[deleted user] So, This is MLG Version of SC&MCS mod.
The mod Currently is Cancelled, but you can play Beta 2.3 version!
Some Screenshots
( Loading screens:
Level 2: http://prntscr.com/9yjbw4
Level 3: http://prn
So, This is MLG Version of SC&MCS mod.
The mod Currently is Cancelled, but you can play Beta 2.3 version!
Some Screenshots
( Loading screens:
Level 2: prntscr.com/9yjbw4
Level 3: prntscr.com/9yjc7q
Illuminati Sedans: prntscr.com/9yjcr4
New Moderned Cola: prntscr.com/9yjcsj
Extra....Thing: prntscr.com/9yjcuu )
Mod is Decompilable. So, You can continue it.
I probably was on drugs while making this version, ah f*** me
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Koopa Just to save everyone's time:
Level 2 Loading Screen:
Level 3 Loading Screen:
Illuminati Sedan:
Just to save everyone's time:
Level 2 Loading Screen:
Level 3 Loading Screen:
Illuminati Sedan:
Modern Cola:
Gibstack The dank memes are too strong
The dank memes are too strong
DouglasColvin 6dank8me 2memey4me
SomeoneIKnow Its alright, but wouldnt making loading screen icon things transparent wont leave that white thingy? right?
Its alright, but wouldnt making loading screen icon things transparent wont leave that white thingy? right?
[deleted user] @SomeoneIKnow I can remove this things, but Mod is Cancelled(For technical Reasons), also mod is not LMLM File, so you can continue it.
@SomeoneIKnow I can remove this things, but Mod is Cancelled(For technical Reasons), also mod is not LMLM File, so you can continue it.
Cars For Speed Too much moistness!