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Frank Grimes Mode: a patch for Snake's Car

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Greetings everyone.
I am playing the ingenious Frank Grimes Mode by Hadley Steel: .
However, I'm struggling in mission 3-5 (where Lisa & Chief Wiggum chase after Snake to collect evidence). After returning to Mr. Burns' Casino, there is an additional task to destroy the Snake's car in 0:45. Interestingly, the car is just going forth and back near the ramp, and it is extremely tough.
However, I found there's is a patch somewhere where the task's time was extended to 2:00, and Snake's car drives towards the Squidport (link to someone's Twitch's VOD as proof: ). I cannot find this patch anywhere. There were some links to Google Drive in the original topic (which the link above is linking to) but they aren't available anymore.
So can someone share the .lmlm file, please?
Hey there! Welcome to the forums!

Unfortunately, I am not in possession of the patch that the Twitch VOD mentions. Hadley has also not logged in a good while either, so the chances of a re-upload from her probably aren't very high.

The first big thing I can think of is asking Liquid himself if he still has the patch available on his harddrive? Otherwise, Just Danny has a fairly large collection of mods and might have that particular version of the mod available. You can also ask them on Discord to see if they have a link to this particular version of the mod.

If that doesn't work, I should point out that the mod can be decompiled by placing it in a directory where your Mod Launcher looks for mods. Once loaded, you can right click it and hit the 'Decompile' button and save the decompiled mod in any directory you like. Preferably in a place that already searches for mods, such as the default 'Mods' directory in Documents\My Games\Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher\Mods.

You can then edit the mod to nerf or remove this particular section if you'd like. In the newly decompiled mod, check CustomFiles/scripts/level03, and look for m5i.mfk. Once located, open it up with your text editor of choice (I use Notepad++, but the default Notepad application works just fine as well). Look for the stage where the Snake 'Destroy' objective is present:

SetHUDIcon( "snake" );
AddCondition( "damage" );
SetCondMinHealth( 0.0 );
SetCondTargetVehicle( "wiggu_v" );
SetCondTime( 10000 );

You can then edit 'SetStageTime(45);' to be a value higher than 45. Changing the value inside the parenthesis to 120 would increase the timer to 2 minutes. Saving the change and playing the mod should have the desired effect then. This would not fix the AI getting 'stuck', as the starting point would still have to be modified, but the time buff would make the stage more consistently do-able.

Hopefully some of this information can help out a bit. Apologies for not having the fixed version on hand.
Thanks for your kind and detailed response. It indeed makes sense to try the options you mentioned.
OK, I found the patch in Sharcord (the discord server dedicated to the Simpsons Hit & Run) and can confirm it does have the patch discussed above. Here is the link for downloading: