Its a simple mod giving you a character its in beta missions still cant be done. I will still work on it.
Squeaky-voiced teen
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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SomeoneIKnow Its a simple mod giving you a character its in beta missions still cant be done. I will still work on it.
archieharrison Haha looks good, I'm looking forward to some mission :D
Haha looks good, I'm looking forward to some mission :D
SomeoneIKnow Thanks! im working with missions and probably adding more voice to him.
Thanks! im working with missions and probably adding more voice to him.
DeadSonRisingxD Would there be another download link? You couldn't have chosen the worst website to host the file, the website is quite a scam. Plus it would charge me just to sign up!
Would there be another download link? You couldn't have chosen the worst website to host the file, the website is quite a scam. Plus it would charge me just to sign up!
SomeoneIKnow Hi sorry for long response i could give you another link if you want to.
Hi sorry for long response i could give you another link if you want to.