ZRN7009 https://i.imgur.com/gMLOBNB.png
Hi ZRN here that here is my first mod (Simpsons hit and run: Pro mode). In this mod all the missions of Simpsons hit and run are made more difficult!
ZRN here that here is my
first mod (
Simpsons hit and run: Pro mode). In this
mod all
the missions of
Simpsons hit and run are made
more difficult!
Reduced time limits.
New objectives.
New conditions.
Increase in AI difficulty.
Forced car missions.
A few other twists.
Determination of the KM/H
Mission with Hit and run
Dont get hit and run
Here are
1.0.0 (Apr 4th 2023)
Initial release
1.0.0 (Apr 5th 2023)
text message fixed in L1M7
text message fixed in L3M5
bug fixed in L4M7
1.0.0 (Apr 6th 2023)
text message fixed in L6M4
1.0.0 (Apr 9th 2023)
text message fixed in L5M4
4 likes Sending vote...
32772 Pro mode! 😲 Oh yeah, that sounds great, but excellent work 😃👍
I'm going to try this out today 😄
Pro mode! 😲 Oh yeah, that sounds great, but excellent work 😃👍
I'm going to try this out today 😄
Secondhand Feraligatr If you want, I can fix some of the bugs the mod has.
If you want, I can fix some of the bugs the mod has.
ZRN7009 Hey Secondhand i make the second Pro mode :)
Hey Secondhand i make the second Pro mode :)
Secondhand Feraligatr Thanks for responding ZRN7009. I have already started fixing some of the bugs and it's coming along nicely. The only missions I have been having problems with are 2-3 and the level 6 bonus missio
Thanks for responding ZRN7009. I have already started fixing some of the bugs and it's coming along nicely. The only missions I have been having problems with are 2-3 and the level 6 bonus mission. It may be a couple of weeks before I finish it as I can only work on it once I get home from school. Once it's done I will post a download link here and I will also explain all of the fixes I did.
Three of the most common bugs I have found in pro mode are ai vehicles not having drivers ,missions missing the mission complete text, and objectives missing the task complete text. So here is how you avoid those bugs in your next mod.
1. with the AddStageVehicle function you are missing a part of it that tells the game what driver to put in the car. After the .con part you put the name of the character you want to drive the car.
So for example, here is a AddStageVehicle function from the mod: AddStageVehicle("homer_v","m4_losehomer","NULL","Missions\level07\M7chase.con");
and here is a fixed version that makes Homer drive the car: AddStageVehicle("homer_v","m4_losehomer","NULL","Missions\level07\M7chase.con","homer");
2. For the last objective in a mission you need to put "final" in the parentheses next to the AddStage function. That looks that this: AddStage("final");
This is what tells the game to flag the mission as complete and show the mission complete text. If the mission has the AddStage("final"); but not on the last objective, then the mission still works and it just doesn't show the mission complete text. If none of the objectives have the AddStage("final"); then when you complete the mission the game acts like you skipped the mission and shows a red X in the mission select screen.
3. In an objective you need to put this function for the game to show the task complete text when you complete the objective: ShowStageComplete();
ZRN7009 Hello Secondhand. Thank you for fixing the bugs in my mod and for explaining how I do it .
Hello Secondhand. Thank you for fixing the bugs in my mod and for explaining how I do it .