White non-book-burning van
Posted in SHAR: Mod Resources
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kRoLLiK https://i.imgur.com/nEQ0zot.png
It's original Book Burning Van slightly reworked to be a regular white van. There are p3d files of ingame car model, model for car shop and images for phonebooth.

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GIVE_ME_HELP why this is not mod?
why this is not mod?
Because I wanted it to be a mod resource that people can put in their own mods, not a mod itself
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Because I wanted it to be a mod resource that people can put in their own mods, not a mod itself
AlfredoAndFriends What about a Cube Truck but without the graffiti?
What about a Cube Truck but without the graffiti?
I don't plan to do it. Too easy and not so interesting. Maybe another time
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I don't plan to do it. Too easy and not so interesting. Maybe another time
BigBritshBloke Very nice, thank you.
Very nice, thank you.