It's an assistant app that you have to run alongside SHAR - It provides a bunch of options that you can change to your character & more.
I wanted to make this more of a cheat trainer, but I lost interest quickly and moved on to a better project.
Current Options
Currently, the options available now (and possibly forever) are the following:
Player Settings
- Walk Speed
- Run Speed
- Walk Acceleration
- (Character) Turn
- Jump Power
- Double Jump Power
- Jump Turn
- Kick Power
- Stomp Power
- Get in/out (of) Car Speed
- Cursor Size
Hit & Run Settings
- Meter (level)
- Fine
- Chase Cars (more than 5 crashes)
- Color 1 (Red)
- Color 2 (Blue)
- Enable/Disable
- Randomize Traffic Colors
- Range (0 - 255)
- Repeat Time (At least 300 Recommended)
Coin Values
- Player Coins
- Explosion Coins
- Breakable Prop Coins
- Dynamic Prop Coins
- Krusty Glass Coins
- Cola Prop Coins
- NPC Hit By Kick Coins
- NPC Hit By Car Coins
- Character (On-Foot) Gravity
- Stomp Gravity
- Available Traffic Car Colors Pool
Currently known bugs:
(May or may not ever be fixed)- Setting "Repeat Time" to anything under 300 (3 seconds) will make the app very laggy.