Method settings
- Raw chance lets you input the percentage chance that any given map chunk will load via the "Chance" box. You can use any whole number from 0 to 100, which respectively result in no map chunks ever loading and all map chunks always loading.
- Text derivation instead takes text as input via the "Text" box, and converts it into a number that will be used as the percentage chance. More of a "for fun" option, Latin alphabet characters are recommended.
- Make random does not accept any input and will automatically generate a random percentage chance.
Other settings
- Show result on game launch via alert, if ticked, will display a popup box when the game launches, informing you of the percentage chance of any given map chunk being loaded that will be used for that session. Intended for the non-"Raw chance" methods, but there's nothing stopping you from ticking it anyway.
- Include interiors, if ticked, will allow map chunks which are also interiors (in the technical, game engine sense) to be subject to variable loading (they will always load otherwise).
Might be compatible with other mods, but not ones that override or handle the same region files as the vanilla game.
Entering interiors can sometimes lead to situational game crashes (it seems to be when the area outside the interior isn't loaded, most commonly). Be aware of this.
Requires at least version 1.25 of the mod launcher. Is compatible with the Demo game release. Is decompilable.
1.0 (11th June 2023)
- Initial release.
1.1 (8th July 2023)
- Now uses a method system - "Raw chance", "Text derivation", and "Make random" available.
- Additional "Show result on game launch via alert" and "Include interiors" settings available.
- Description now provides more information.
- Replaced "CustomFiles\art\Dummy.p3d" with "CustomFiles\art\VMCL_Dummy.p3d", which might be more compatible in the event that an otherwise compatible mod contains the former file.