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SHAR Halloween Nightmares: 2025 March Mini-Update.

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NOTE 1: 🛠The last update for this mod was planned to be released for 2025... 🛠
NOTE 2: This is not the final update of this mod, i modified some things to made this mod a little harder, what I mean is that this is kind of a warm-up for the latest version of this mod, where things won't be "easy" at all...

SHAR: Halloween Nightmares is a mod that makes Level 7 more different than original game.
This mod makes the final level more variety in the mission and more difficult, adding more challenge for all missions. Like reduced time limit in all missions or new objectives with new obstacles in some missions for example.

For make this mod I'm using another mods called "Ultimate Level 7 Restoration" (Credits to Yoshogon32) to change the locations of some characters so that the places where a mission starts are not repeated (like the original game from mission 2 to mission 7 with the school playground and power plant)

SHAR:HN Trailer Videos:

PLAYLIST (SHAR: Halloween Nightmares Missions):

Download the mod here.
Optional save to play this new Level 7.

Mod duration:
29:24 (Beta v1.0.1)
38:00 (v1.1.2 update)

Level 7 Changes:
  • - All missions have been changed.
  • - Rich Side and Power Plant have been UNLOCKED. (Credits to Yoshogon32)
  • - Alien "Auto"topsy II unused objective was RE-ENABLED, now you can get a idea how this mission was planned during the development...
  • - Alien "Auto"topsy III is COMPLETELY NEW. Now this mission have more variety and is 3 times longer than before.
  • - "Kang and Kodos Strike Back" plays during "Alien "Auto"topsy III" insteand of "The Fat and the Furious".
  • - Some missions have been reduced the time limit, OR another added time, for make the mod a bit harder.
  • - Unused dialogues are now reused for the missions: "There's Something About Monty (using a unused dialogue from Homer in Level 1, Mission 7) and Alien "Auto"topsy I (using a unused dialogue from this mission)"!
  • - Grampa World War's vehicle have some modifications for the mision Alien "Auto"topsy III.
  • - Alien Car Rich Side road is similar to Kenny Giles mod, but the path isn't to the Stonecutters' Tunnel.
  • - Follow distance now is a little shorter than before, now avoid from a car is more longer than before.
  • - Alien Car can't stop you after you losing the car in Alien "Auto"topsy I...

  • - Some missions have been changed the player position when you're selecting a mission:
  • - Rigor Motors: You now appears outside from The Simpsons House.
  • - Alien "Auto"topsy I: You now appears in Mr Burns' Mansion Door.
  • - Alien "Auto"topsy III: You now appears in Retirement Castle.
  • - Black Sedan and Black Van is coming back to make this more harder.
  • - Zombie Car was buffed.

  • Springfield is in your hands...

Patch v1.0.2:
  • v1.0.2 Patch Changes:
  • - SetDynaLoadData fixed (the map for some reason have never loaded when you've appeared in some places after you've selected a mission)
  • - Little bugs were fixed.

  • New addons:
  • - "Kang and Kodos Strikes Back" now plays in "Alien "Auto"topsy II" insteand of Pretty Theft Homer.
  • - The Fat and the Furious now plays in 'Alien "Auto"topsy III' again.
  • - Blocked door in Power Plant, except Rigor Motors, There's Something About Monty, Alien "Auto"topsy I and Alien "Auto"topsy II.

  • Extras:
  • - Missions: 3, 4 and 6 were reworked.
  • - Removed some texts for missions.
  • - Removed some objectives.
  • - Re-enabled an unused time limit that I added for the mission: Alien "Auto"topsy III.

v1.1.2 update:
  • Changes:
  • - Mr. Burns mansion now is open.
  • - 70’s Sports Car was added a patent, deleted for the final version.
  • - A house near Mr. Burns mansion is open now.
  • - New locations objectives to go before start one mission.
  • - 2 wasp cameras were changed his location, one was restored and one was deleted:
  • - The wasp camera, previous spawns in the bridge, now spawns near the Gas Station in 939 Area Code.
  • - The wasp camera, previous spawns in the Power Plant Parking Lot, now spawns inside of the Power Plant.
  • - The wasp camera where originally spawns outside of Stonecutters’ Tunnel was restored, but making modifications his position because spawns very high for some reason.
  • - A wasp camera, where originally spawns in The Simpsons House, was removed.
  • - Some textures (especially Power Plant interior) was changed.
  • - Some unused missions objectives were restored:
  • - For Pocket Protector, Alien “Auto”topsy I Alien “Auto”topsy II and Alien “Auto”topsy III uses UNUSED mission objective.
  • - There’s Something About Monty uses “FIND MR. BURNS” mission objective in the last objective.
  • - Smithers now is located in Mr. Burns mansion.
  • - Gil and Snake were moved to Rich Side.

  • Missions:
  • - Long Black Probes: Added more time when the Alien Car is chasing us.
  • - Pocket Protector: Starts with 10 additional seconds, and reduced 10 seconds after losing the black sedan…
  • - There’s Something About Monty: Now starts in The Simpsons House, talk to Lisa inside, changed his soundtrack to “This Little Piggy” listened until the end of the mission.
  • - The Alien Car spawns in the Gas Station near the cemetery, added a extra objective for find Mr. Burns.
  • - Alien “Auto”topsy I: Races the Alien Car, reaches the Power Plant, after collecting the nuclear waste look out with the Black Sedan and Black Van!
    BONUS: You're spawned in Mr. Burns mansion, this was inspired on Kenny Giles Level 7 - Rich Side Restoration mod.
  • - Alien “Auto”topsy II: Starts in the Gas Station on Rich Side, drives inside the power plant and collects the nuclear waste, look out with the Alien Car and Black Van, look out with the Black Sedan too btw.
  • - Alien “Auto”topsy III: The Black Van attacks the player after winning the race, “m7_drama” starts in this point, Black Sedan paths was modified, removed “m7_drama” section and removed time limit when you are following the Black Sedan, the car spawns now in the closed entrance of the Power Plant, time limit starts when you need to destroy the car, “Bart ‘n’ Frink” start after you have collected the nuclear waste.
  • - Flaming Tires: All the objects have been moved to Rich Side and Power Plant, in a house, in the Stonecutters’ Tunnel and in Homer’s office.

  • Extra:
  • - Removed some objectives and texts.
  • - Changed descriptions for ‘Alien “Auto”topsy I’ and ‘Alien “Auto”topsy II’ in all languages.
  • - Changed ‘Alien “Auto”topsy II’ image in scrap book.
  • - New mission objectives were added in all languages.
  • - Removed “l7block2.p3d” for ‘Long Black Probes’, and added for ‘Alien “Auto”topsy I’.
  • - New icons for the game!
  • - There's some secrets in this update...

  • - Fixed some objective texts for English, France and Germany.
  • - The position of the nuclear barrel has been changed for the mission ‘Alien “Auto”topsy Part II’
  • - Alien Car’s resistance has been reduced for the last mission (some things have also been changed too in the same mission).
  • - Increased and reduced time limit in all missions (except Rigor Motors), and some timer objectives changed.
  • - Player’s car spawn point for the mission “Long Black Probes” has been restored to its original position.
    Note: Get ready for the last update…

Some screenshots:

Nice mate :)
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1 yr ago (Statistics)
Hi, iElcraZy_! It's me ImmortalFlamix there.

I was enjoying your mod, but the problem in mission 6, when the Chase sedan was chasing the player near Mr. Burns' mansion before we already lost him, and in the next stage I saw a game crash and goes wrong. And by the way, when you go to the nearby stonecutter or power plant's interior, I saw the error message about including the map of the area. And when you restart in mission 3, I notice that there is an error proper "SetDynaLoadData" Can you fix an error for the next update?
Ok, I need see the error, idk why this happened, but ty!
A patch is coming
This mod wont even launch for me sad face
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1 yr ago (Edited 1 year ago)
The quoted post is unavailable.

The issue is in all Levels (1 to 6) too? Weird it happend
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1 yr ago (Statistics)