Texture fixes is a small mod which is intended for vanilla gameplay, it fixes/improves texture errors found in SHAR.
The textures which are fixed in this mod:
Crop circle in levels 4 and 7.
This is a custom-made texture of Bart’s face to better align with the surrounding furrows.
Eat Deer sign in level 3.
The Beef/Deer signs are mismatched. The doctor appears dim in the Beef sign whereas she is bright yellow in the Deer sign. I've replaced the Deer sign with a dimmer version - this texture is also present in the same level file. The Beef/Deer signs in level 6 are the same, both dim in appearance. Also this texture change matches the PS2 version.
Moon in level 7 and in the bonus game's 7th racetrack.
The moon texture has vertical white lines on the left/right sides, this has been fixed.
Coast in level 3 and in the bonus game's 3rd racetrack.
The coast texture has black artifacts dotted on it, this has been fixed.
Gasoline sign in levels 1/3/6 and in the bonus game's 1st racetrack.
In level 1, the gasoline sign is poor quality (top row).
In levels 3/6, the gasoline sign has a typo (bottom row).
Both sign textures have been replaced with a texture of good quality and correct spelling, the replacement texture is from levels 4/7.
Enjoy! =)
Texture fixes
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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redteam Texture fixes is a small mod which is intended for vanilla gameplay, it fixes/improves texture errors found in SHAR.
The textures which are fixed in this mod:
Crop circle in levels 4 and 7.