Port over every track in the game, including all hazards and shortcuts wherever possible
Port over some of the cars, focusing first on the "boss" cars and then looking at others
Create a complete campaign, featuring a race mission on every track unlocking the next
SHAR:MP support, possibly released later as a separate mod, featuring every track in one level and a "hub" allowing all players on the server to freely travel to each track
Potential Goals Wishlist (may not be possible or present at launch)
Custom car creation, facilitated by an external program allowing you to create your car and input a code into the Mod Settings
Powerups, unlikely to be possible but if you are a coder and want to help me look into implementing this, either via LUA code or an external program, then please feel free to contact me (details below)
Fixes for sounds tied to animated objects, to be facilitated by a new hack that is currently being discussed
Current Progress
Test Drive
Track Complete
Circuit 1
Imperial Grand Prix: Track complete, download a preview here
Dark Forest Dash: Track complete
Magma Moon Marathon: Track complete, gate shortcut code randomiser is being looked into
Desert Adventure Dragway: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Complete
Circuit 2
Tribal Island Trail: Track complete
Royal Knights Raceway: Track complete
Ice Planet Pathway: Track complete
Amazon Adventure Alley: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Complete
Circuit 3
Knightmare-Athon: Track complete
Pirate Skull Pass: Track complete
Adventure Temple Trail: Track complete
Alien Rally Asteroid: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Not started
Circuit 4 (Circuit 1 mirror mode)
Imperial Grand Prix: Track complete
Dark Forest Dash: Track complete
Magma Moon Marathon: Track complete
Desert Adventure Dragway: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Complete
Circuit 5 (Circuit 2 mirror mode)
Tribal Island Trail: Track complete
Royal Knights Raceway: Track complete
Ice Planet Pathway: Track complete
Amazon Adventure Alley: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Not started
Circuit 6 (Circuit 3 mirror mode)
Knightmare-Athon: Track complete
Pirate Skull Pass: Track complete
Adventure Temple Trail: Track complete
Alien Rally Asteroid: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Not started
Circuit 7
Rocket Racer Run: Track complete
Road Data: Complete
Missions: Not started
Cars and Character Models
Homer: Character Model and animations complete
Bart: Character Model and animations complete
Lisa: Character Model and animations complete
Marge: Character Model complete
Apu: Character Model complete
Lego NPC animations complete
Captain Redbeard: Car and Character Model complete
King Kahuna: Car and Character Model complete
Basil Batlord: Car and Character Model complete
Johnny Thunder: Car and Character Model complete
Baron Von Baron: Car and Character Model complete
Gypsy Moth: Car and Character Model complete
Rocket Racer: Car and Character Model complete
Veronica Voltage: Character Model complete
L1/L4 AI Racers: Complete
L2/L5 AI Racers: Complete
L3/L6 AI Racers: Complete
L7 AI Racers: Not started
Spoiler: Test Drive

Spoiler: Imperial Grand Prix

Spoiler: Dark Forest Dash

Spoiler: Magma Moon Marathon

Spoiler: Desert Adventure Dragway

Spoiler: Tribal Island Trail

Spoiler: Royal Knights Raceway

Spoiler: Ice Planet Pathway

Spoiler: Amazon Adventure Alley

Spoiler: Knightmare-Athon

Spoiler: Pirate Skull Pass

Spoiler: Adventure Temple Trail

Spoiler: Alien Rally Asteroid

Spoiler: Rocket Racer Run

If you want to help me investigate the possibility of implementing powerups, or put yourself forward for beta testing, then feel free to contact me on Discord (username: clifforus) or find me in the Donut Team Discord server.
Clifforus: Project Lead
High Voltage Software: LEGO Racers developer
Weasel on a Stick: Weasel's Map Data Editor, Weasel's Pure3DXML Animation Converter, Weasel's Pure3DXML Skeleton Converter
Lucas Cardellini: Lucas' Pure3D Editor Model XML Format Blender Add-on, Lucas' Pure3D Editor, Lucas' RCF Explorer, Lucas' RSD Converter
grappigegovert: LEGO Racers Model Converter
dead_name: LEGO Racers Binary Editor, LEGO.JAM Extractor
Update 28/09/2023
Now that work is completed on the second circuit, I've decided to begin some preliminary work on multiplayer support by starting to design the hub. The multiplayer version of the mod will start you here, and provide warps to all of the tracks, and there will also be a warp back to the hub on each track. The hub is in the very early stages of design, but I thought I'd share a sneak peek here for you all to see. Enjoy!
Spoiler: MP Hub 1

Spoiler: MP Hub 2

Update 13/10/2023
All of the tracks have now been converted, except from the very last track, Rocket Racer Run (or Rocket Racer City depending on what version of the game you have), and the mirror mode tracks. I do love to save the best for last, so for the moment I'm going to work on a few other things, specifically the in-game HUD, and character models. I have already made changes to the HUD that you can see in the screenshots for the last few tracks, but I'd like to also share a screenshot of the custom mini-map design I've been working on. Originally I intended to use the actual images of the mini-maps and HUD from LEGO Racers, but as it turns out they're very low resolution and look awful, so I'm creating those from scratch and trying to make them look clean and high quality at higher resolutions, while also trying to stay true to their original style.
I've also done a very quick and dirty implementation of a LEGO minifigure character model for Homer. The rigging is incomplete, and the animations are a bit broken, but it serves as a solid baseline to work from. I want the characters to look and act like you would expect from a LEGO game from this era, and that includes stiff, restricted movements. The existing animations applied to this model don't achieve this effect so I'm probably going to replace the animations with my own, which will be a huge project on its own.
Below is a screenshot from Imperial Grand Prix with the new HUD and LEGO minifigure character model.
Spoiler: HUD and Character Model Preview

Update 20/10/2023
I've been hard at work implementing LEGO minifigure character models. I am going down the route of replacing the animations, so it's taking a while. I have made character models for all of the playable characters, and I've made a character model for Captain Redbeard as an NPC test. I've also converted Captain Redbeard's car, so enjoy this cute little screenshot.
Spoiler: Captain Redbeard Hit and Run

Update 01/11/2023
Happy November! The mod is so tantalisingly close to complete now, I can almost taste it. I've started on implementing the race missions, and am very pleased to present the first test. A "tutorial" on the Test Drive track and a race against Captain Redbeard on Imperial Grand Prix. Currently only Redbeard is in the race but fear not, there will be other racers too! In other news, my partner and I have finally secured a place to move into together, and we will be doing that starting next week. I hope to have the mod done by then, but if I haven't, then obviously the moving process is going to take priority in my life and I might not be able to work on the mod for a short while. In the meantime, I'm trying my best to get this mod across the finish line.
Update 07/11/2023
I've been chipping away at a UI overhaul, and it's more or less complete now. Everything has now been stylised to fit the LEGO theme, and all the fonts have been replaced with the LEGO Racers font. Below are a couple of screenshots of the new UI.
Spoiler: UI overhaul

Spoiler: UI overhaul

But I didn't stop there. I'm proud to present what I believe is a first in SHAR modding (please correct me if I'm wrong). A completely overhauled main menu, complete with custom object glows!
Spoiler: Main Menu overhaul
Update 06/03/2024
Hey all! So, it's been a while since I posted an update or worked on the mod. The reality of the situation is this: I moved house, then I got sick, like REALLY sick, for a few months. I'm okay now but during that whole illness I didn't work on the mod at all because I was basically bedridden. Now I'm well enough to work on the mod again but in all honesty, being out of it for so long has completely killed the momentum I had going and I'm struggling to find the motivation to pick it back up again. It's extra frustrating for me because the mod is over 95% complete. All I have to do is make some character animations and figure out a way to unlock the final car after completing the final race. I don't know how long it'll take me to get back into it, but rest assured I still absolutely intend to finish and release this mod, even if it's months later than I wanted.