now obviously, this is fake. i made it by modifying a few files, using the custom text hack, GMOD and sony vegas. although this isn't something that's possi
now obviously, this is fake. i made it by modifying a few files, using the custom text hack, GMOD and sony vegas. although this isn't something that's possible at the moment, i made this as a sort-of interpretation of when it does come to light. ;)
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[deleted user] I think putting other cartoon characters in the game (Family Gut, R&M, Futurama) is an awesome idea
I think putting other cartoon characters in the game (Family Gut, R&M, Futurama) is an awesome idea
Pandaxletsplay Wow such a good idea
Fluffy We are currently unable to do any fully custom characters. However it is something we'd like to do.
We are currently unable to do any fully custom characters. However it is something we'd like to do.