OK, I don't remember how many requests I made regarding fixing A.I stupidity, and I think I already received a response from another question that also applies to this one for the same reasons. I just hope this one isn't a total hassle.
I started making a challenge where it's a battle against somebody, and it takes place right under the blimp in Level 3. You might be thinking, "but with those crates there, that's a dumb idea for using that as an arena." The thing is, I managed to get rid of those crates (both its mesh and collision boxes), so that whole area has more space at the center. But anyway, I had a theory that a proper A.I path would prevent my opponent from driving off-course like the dumbass he is, essentially ignoring me, and I kind of got that idea from that Smithers boss in SCM. Are any of you willing to do something like this? If not, is there a workaround that can prevent my opponent from ignoring me and actually fight back without needing to find a better arena?
Hopefully, these A.I-related questions aren't becoming a repeated annoyance, but I really want my dreams to come true...
Add a little A.I path that leads to the Duff Brewery in Level 3 (specifically towards the landing pad where the blimp is)?
Posted in SHAR: Mod Requests
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Surreal Bot OK, I don't remember how many requests I made regarding fixing A.I stupidity, and I think I already received a response from another question that also applies to this one for the same reasons. I
[deleted user] Hey SomeBot
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, but I may have a solution.
When you activate the AI vehicle for the boss stage , by filling in "chase" as the behavi
Hey SomeBot
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, but I may have a solution.
When you activate the AI vehicle for the boss stage [ActivateVehicle("<name>", "NULL", "<behavior>")], by filling in "chase" as the behavior, the AI vehicle will target the player instead of targeting a Stage Waypoint. If what you meant was how to prevent it from driving off the edge of the platform, you could try making the vehicle drive very slowly in order to limit the occasions of it driving past the player and off the edge. You could also surround the arena with vehicles with large enough masses to be solid, which is what I was planning to do to block a shortcut in my mod.
Hope this helps!
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, but I may have a solution.
When you activate the AI vehicle for the boss stage [ActivateVehicle("<name>", "NULL", "<behavior>")], by filling in "chase" as the behavior, the AI vehicle will target the player instead of targeting a Stage Waypoint. If what you meant was how to prevent it from driving off the edge of the platform, you could try making the vehicle drive very slowly in order to limit the occasions of it driving past the player and off the edge. You could also surround the arena with vehicles with large enough masses to be solid, which is what I was planning to do to block a shortcut in my mod.
Hope this helps!
Loren That area doesn't have road nodes so there's no way to get an AI car to actually work over there. There's nothing you can do about it at this time since it requires map editing.
That area doesn't have road nodes so there's no way to get an AI car to actually work over there. There's nothing you can do about it at this time since it requires map editing.