"SHR-InfoDumps" (github.com/CelestialAddy/SHR-InfoDumps) is a GitHub repository containing some documentation useful for understanding and modding The Simpsons: Hit & Run. It isn't complete (and I'm not sure that's a state I can picture), however I will update it where and when I can.
I embrace copying/information reuse, suggestions or corrections. Credit to Donut Team and my friends for some of the information used.
So far there are only a few pieces of documentation (listed in the click-to-view box below), and they are made in either in the Markdown (document) or CSV (table) formats, both of which are viewable in the browser interface for GitHub (which also allows you to view a table of contents on Markdown documents). This thread will be updated as/when things change.
- RadGameScriptFunctionality.md: CON/MFK script information, functions, and arguments. Covers nearly every vanilla and ASF function.
- VehicleConfigurations.csv: Reference table showing stats/parameters (set or default, and labelled as such) for every CON script in the vanilla game.
- TrafficDensity.csv: Reference table listing every instance (by level, mission, segment, and stage/objective description) of a "max allowed traffic" change call.
- RadSound4Format.md: RSD file structure/possible formats and handling documentation.
- IdleAnimations.csv: Reference table listing every idle animation by character/clothing, alongside assigned priorities.
- MusicTrackUsage.txt: List of music tracks and usage by Level; notes the unused/unreachable.
- MusicTrackUsage.md: Same as above but as a formatted document.
- MusicTrackUsage.csv: Same as above but as a table; notes the unused/unreachable with "*".
- UnusedMusicTracks.md: Writeup on all unused/unreachable music tracks/calls to them.
- WorldRegions.csv: Table of world regions by Level, with expanded names and descriptions.
- VehicleStatStars.csv: Table of vehicle Phone Booth/vendor purchase star ratings.
- TrafficComposition.csv: Table of traffic vehicles/appearance settings by Level.
- DriverSuppression.csv: Table of un/allowed player vehicle drivers by Level and type ("D"=driver, "C"=character, "_"=neither); notes repeats.