HEY THERE! RACE FANS! Welcome to this exciting

I plan on editing this post,to add small mods showcases i make for the game,"tutorials",documentation,and overall """"daily"""" posts of me trying to figure out how this game works,trial and error.
Now,a reason i've came to this forum,was not only to show my work,but also inspire someone who'd be down to helping in this game,give suggestions,ask questions,answer questions,try making your own mods,thankfully a handful of tools needed already exist, RCF explorer and CML (to rebuild the game),,and yeah,i do need help,so anyone who knows the insides and outs of the engine,and wanna help me learn about it,it would be great,or reverse engineering,im still learning.
For now i wanna see whats possible to do in the game with the tools that already exist,but there is 2 things i have in mind,two mods.
1 - Making it so everyone can drive any car,no exclusivity (and lets throw the beta cars there bcuz why not?),it would be easy if the quantity of cars per character wasnt capped to 4 (it could be hardcoded,
2 - Reverse engineer the textures,sounds,and maybe models,i suppose it wouldnt be impossible for the people who know how the game engine works,its probably a moderate difference between CTTR and SHAR,but the p3d editor doesnt accept these files,i suppose things changed in the engine after 3 years.
EDIT 1: Gamebanana page created,with a tutorial on how mod this game on its PS2 port: gamebanana.com/games/21589
EDIT 2: After a whole lot of people modding this game,and even making DIYs,here is my first publicly relased mod for CTTR (download link in the video)
EDIT 3: And,another mod released,this time,its Crash from Twinsanity in CTTR,using the Scarface build of Lucas' P3D editor,which means,custom model and textures.

EDIT 4: Something im working on, that assists in converting Pure3D textures to console formats: Xbox,Gamecube,and PS2 (as for some reason LP3DE doesnt imports DDS images >:/,so even xbox modding is a

EDIT 5: The Gamebanana page grew up a bit,some tutorials,some mods,followers,views,and someone decided to apply as a game manager and added some additional info to the page and a banner/icons.