Ciao a tutti!
Dean here for a project I have been willing to fullfill maybe since 2020, when Donut Mod 2 was re-released after six years of damnatio memoriae.
I'll divide this thread in spoilers to make it less obnoxious, feel free to jump to the bottom for the DL!
Spoiler: The backstory
In 2014 I was like 8 years old; I had played SHaR already but I still didn't have the launcher nor any mods, so I never got to try the original thing. But I remember these videos on YouTube showing an orange-ish skybox in level 1, those new cars like Flander's SW and this new phone booth design I found so perfect.
When I finally got to download and play Donut Mod, it was around the time The Seaside Update was released, in 2016. I had this vague reminiscence of DM2 but it had disappeared from the internet.
Until 2018, when I randomly found a copy of it somewhere. It was just like I remembered, albeit also with all the bugs and stuff in the source.
In 2020, DT released a new, polished version; it had some interesting changes when compared to the last released 2014 one, like the new Family Sedan, but for some reason, it appeared a bit... off. At least to my eye, obsessive as always...
That's why I decided to try and add some tweaks to take it back to a more OG-ish feeling, also possibly taking inspiration from Project Donut AE. This can thus also be a late anniversary tribute for DM2!
When I finally got to download and play Donut Mod, it was around the time The Seaside Update was released, in 2016. I had this vague reminiscence of DM2 but it had disappeared from the internet.
Until 2018, when I randomly found a copy of it somewhere. It was just like I remembered, albeit also with all the bugs and stuff in the source.
In 2020, DT released a new, polished version; it had some interesting changes when compared to the last released 2014 one, like the new Family Sedan, but for some reason, it appeared a bit... off. At least to my eye, obsessive as always...
That's why I decided to try and add some tweaks to take it back to a more OG-ish feeling, also possibly taking inspiration from Project Donut AE. This can thus also be a late anniversary tribute for DM2!
Spoiler: What has Changed
- Loren's unique autumn theme and skybox from 2.0.0-2.0.2 have returned. They were removed in the 2020 version (2.0.3) for no specific reason, while something similar was kept in
Project Donut AE.
- Flanders' Station Wagon gets back its OG model... upgraded with glasses and windshield! The phone booth icon was updated to accomodate this.
- The bonus vehicle was changed to a neat 50-ish car I found in the files (classic.p3d), since the Speed Rocket is now buyable from Gil. I changed its model slightly and fixed some stuff in the CON.
- Family Sedan mantains its new appearance from the 2020 re-release (it was just a retextured Skinner's Sedan in 2014 versions), but its phone booth icon was reworked and smoothed.
- Mission 6 (Heart of the Bonestorm) was changed in 2020 as it replaced the router car stages with a single one requiring you to burn the games in the tire fire. This was left untouched
but a proper tire fire icon was added (it showed an Evergreen Terrace one). Idk why this change was made as the previous concept (also restored in DM3) is much more exciting, but I
don't understand much about LUA so here it goes ;)
- Some stage messages/mission briefings had their grammar fixed or were made less verbose (M1, M6 and M7 are the case)
- Version number was changed to 2.1.0.
Spoiler: screenshots

I had originally thought to add the autumn theme/skybox as an option but I got messed up with the LUA handlers and I also felt like it just had to be part of it, or it wouldn't feel the same.
Here's it all. Thanks to the OG DT guys for making this masterpiece. Mine was just a personal take on it and it has no means to judge and/or criticise yours.