By default, each Level's settings reflect the vanilla game defaults.
Requires launcher version 1.18 or higher. Compatible with the Demo version of the game as well as the full versions.

Update r1.1: Fixed credits typo and increased billboard capacity via CustomLimits to help with stability when there are many chasers.
Example chaotic gameplay:
Settings per-Level:
Chases [ON/OFF]If disabled, a full meter will not begin a "Hit & Run!".
Vehicle [pick from list]
The "Hit & Run!" chaser vehicle. Pick from a list of every vanilla game vehicle, including both internal and English text names.
CON [text input]
The CON file path used to provide the chaser vehicle's stats, rooted in "/scripts/cars/". Defaults to the normal police vehicle one for the given Level. If set to blank, uses the CON file tied to the player-controllable version of the set chaser vehicle. If you want to force the vehicle to use the player-controllable vehicle stats of another, find the desired vehicle's internal name from the prior list (such as "sportsB" for Sports Car B) and add ".con" to the end.
Count [number input]
The amount of chaser vehicle instances to spawn during a "Hit & Run!". Ranges from 0 (no chase but the "Hit & Run!" still occurs, buggy) to 5 (potentially unstable).
Meter Decay (Exterior/Interior/Chase) [number input]
Controls the decay (drain) rate of the meter whilst outside, inside of an interior, and actively in a "Hit & Run!" respectively. Accepts decimal values; allowed values range from -100 (immediately fill the meter) to 0 (no change) to 100 (immediately drain the meter). Note that depending on the rate context, different logic is applied:
- The Exterior decay rate is only applied after (a) the meter has been increased whilst not in a "Hit & Run!" and (b) a subsequent short pause.
- The Interior decay rate gets applied when the player enters an interior; when they leave application ceases.
- The Chase decay rate will be applied constantly whilst in a "Hit & Run!".
Meter Affect (Switch) [number input]
Controls the change made to the meter when the player switches vehicle/enters a vehicle for the first time for that session. Accepts decimal values; allowed values range from -100 (immediately drain the meter) to 0 (no change) to 100 (immediately fill the meter).
Fine [number input]
The amount of Coins the player is fined on being "Busted!". Must be 0 or higher. Only affects in-game logic, not the ticket graphic.