opkrusty22 https://i.imgur.com/j8VuEwo.jpeg
This might be a silly question. Does anyone know how to get that font and colour for the fps display? I believe it's the same font used for the mission timer
This might be a silly question. Does anyone know how to get that font and colour for the fps display? I believe it's the same font used for the mission timer and coin counter. I've tried searching for this all over but can't find any results. I already have the Frame Rate Counter installed and working on Lucas Mod Launcher, just really don't like the default font lol.
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Josh / Proddy It's available in the `The Simpsons: Hit & Run Speedrunning` Discord server, pinned in `#shar-general`. If you're already in there, it's this link: https://discord.com/channels/1006
It's available in the The Simpsons: Hit & Run Speedrunning
Discord server, pinned in #shar-general
. If you're already in there, it's this link: https://discord.com/channels/100647369908965376/100647369908965376/1089189989734166639