Unlocking the Debug Cam
You'll need to enter a cheat code. Pause the game and pick "OPTIONS". Now hold down the following input(s), depending on which version of the game you are playing.- GameCube/Xbox: L+R
- PlayStation 2: L1+R1
- Windows: F1
- GameCube/Xbox: B, B, B, A
- PlayStation 2: O, O, O, X
- Windows: Down Arrow, Down Arrow, Down Arrow, Up Arrow
- You should probably enable the "Bug Fixes" hack (from the launcher's "Settings" tab) and ensure "Unlock All Cameras Settings Crash" is ticked in its Mod Settings.
- Some devices (primarily laptops or other compact keyboards) may require you to hold down the FN/Fn (function) key whilst pressing F1 in order to prevent a shortcut function from occuring (for example,, on my laptop, pressing F1 alone mutes all sound output). In my experience, you should press both Fn and F1 together, release the former, enter the code, release F1, and then press Fn and F1 together again.
- This should be compatible with every mod, so long as it doesn't require the "No Cheats" hack (or, alternatively, so long as you don't enable it yourself). I believe very few if any mods do this.
Switching to/from the Debug Cam
To switch to the Debug Cam: pause the game, go to "OPTIONS" -> "SETTINGS" and switch "Camera" to "Debug Cam". You can do this whilst on-foot or in vehicle, though you'll probably want to use the Debug Cam on-foot.To switch out of the Debug Cam: do the same thing, but set the camera to "Walker Cam" (on-foot) or your preferred driving camera ("Far Follow Cam", "Near Follow Cam", "Bumper Cam"). You can also repeatedly press your "CHANGE CAMERA" input binding to cycle back to a normal camera.
You can't change camera whilst inside of a trigger that enforces a specific camera viewpoint of some sort; this affects every possible state of being inside an interior. To use the Debug Cam in these circumstances, stand just outside the trigger, switch to the Debug Cam, and then enter the trigger. This also works for entering interiors.
Using the Debug Cam
The Debug Cam's view can be rotated and moved forwards/backwards. The method of control depends on which version of the game you are playing.- On GameCube/PlayStation 2/Xbox, you need a controller plugged into the second controller port. Move the Left Stick normally to rotate the camera in the desired direction. Hold down/"click in" the Left Stick and move it up and down to "zoom"/move forwards or backwards, with respect to the current rotation.
- On Windows, your "LOOK [LEFT/RIGHT"] and "MOVE [IN/OUT]" on-foot camera input bindings are used to rotate the camera in the desired direction. Hold down the LOOK UP input binding whilst also holding one of the "MOVE [IN/OUT]" input bindings to "zoom"/move forwards or backwards, with respect to the current rotation.
Have fun!