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Fully Connected Map: Full Game Plus BETA

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i want play 1.0 please

i want play 1.0 please


Give the creator time. They're working on updating it soon.

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4 days ago (Statistics)
@Thiagolumao Same. Modder needs to hurry up.
This is a great mod. I really enjoyed it. Here's some recommendations.
- I noticed in some levels, the ambient audio was wrong. For example, in Marge's level by the Simpsons House, you hear the birds chirping, when it's supposed to be crickets.
- I'd make the sky boxes even more consistent throughout all the levels. This way you'll see mountains around the map, except for when you're looking in the direction you'd be facing if you're on the beach. IDK if this is possible.
- The wasp camera behind Krusty's studio flies way up into the sky after you destroy it's shield and you can't destroy it.
- I'd change the way the laser stand mission is divided up, or where the stands are placed. For example, I feel like the stand near the construction site is kind of way off course, and it's location doesn't really make sense in terms of lore. To be honest, I'd also remove the 3rd set of laser stands. The locations don't make sense, since it's around mansions, and in the middle of nowhere. It really drags on the mission. I'd still keep the downtown section, and the marina one from the original.
- Any chance the Cemetery, Barts Room, and Mr. Burns' mansion can be opened up in level 1/2/3?
- You did a good job adding variety to level 7s missions, however the final mission is really annoying to do. It does not make logical sense that you'd destroy the alien car after you're carrying the nuclear waste, both in terms of gameplay and in terms of the story characters decision making. I'd make it so you destroy the car, then you go and dig up the waste. It's difficult to the point where it's not fun at all.
- Do you think it'd be possible to add new interiors? For example, the Nuclear Plant cafeteria & Mr Burns office in all the levels, in an undestroyed state, the Church, City Hall, or possibly expand the school/Simpsons House. It'd be cool to have more places to start missions from and such.