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The Simpsons Hit & Overrun

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I've finally gained the motivation to actually learn how to mod. It's going... fine?, but it's not without it's hurdles.

I've made a few basic mods as tests. Nothing more than vehicle retextures and replacements... But I'm pretty proud of them as they're my first contribution to the modding community.

I have a few people to thank for guiding me through the process to create these mods.

mazexz and The Beldam.

I'd upload the two practice mods here, but I haven't figured out how to that either yet.

Anyway, now that I've had my first taste of modding... I've got quite an ambitious idea for a mod that I'd like to create.

I can get started with custom vehicles, vehicle textures and drivers, but I'd appreciate any and all help with teaching me how to do the rest of the modding needed to make this mod possible (or if people want to collab with me in making this mod, I'd appreciate that too).

So now onto the detailed description of what I hope to accomplish.

Level 1:
Map Details:
Location - Suburbs

TOD - Morning/Daytime

Interiors - Simpsons Living Room/Kwik-E-Mart/School Hallway/Homer's Workstation

Notable Changes - Frink's House next to the Cemetery/Small UFO above the School

Clothing Stores - Kwik-E-Mart/School Hallway/Homer's Workstation

Character - Homer Simpson

Personal Vehicle - Family Sedan (w/roof) (No Driver)

Outfits - Standard/Casual/Muumuu/The Chosen One/Dehydrated

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races - Ralph's SBR
(Driven by Ralph)

Bonus Mission - Ned's Geo
(Driven by Ned)

Barney's Sale - Plow King (Driven by the Plow King)

Gil's Sale A - Electaurus (No Driver)

Gil's Sale B - Duff Truck (No Driver)


1st Mission:
Start Location - Simpsons Front Lawn

Name - S-M-R-T

Opening Conversation - Unchanged

Objectives - Unchanged

Closing Conversation - Homer notices something off about "Lisa"/"Lisa" dismisses all doubt in an unconvincing manner/Homer buys it/"Lisa" informs Homer he needs to return to Marge before going to work/Homer says D'oh

2nd Mission:
Start Location - Simpsons Living Room

Name - Going Green

Opening Conversation - Homer notices that Marge is now green like Lisa/"Marge" dismisses all doubt in the same manner and voice as "Lisa"/Homer internally freaks out, then makes up a phony excuse to leave

Objectives - Leave the house/Get in your Vehicle/Escape the Black Sedans/Go to Frink's House/Follow the Black Limo

Closing Conversation - Homer thinks the Stonecutters are behind this anomaly/Homer thinks about who to ask for help... But then decides he'll think better after a beer

3rd Mission:
Start Location - Moe's House

Name - Duffless

Opening Conversation - Homer asks Moe for a beer/Moe tells Homer he has no beer left/Homer screams, then asks how he's supposed to defeat the Stonecutters/Moe tells Homer that a shipment of duff is on its way/Homer gets impatient

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle/Hit the Duff Truck and collect the Crates of Duff/Escape Moe/Destroy Barney's Sedan/Go to the Powerplant

Closing Conversation - Lenny asks Homer why he's so late/Homer dismisses Lenny while drinking the Duff/Lenny points out that he'll get fired if he's drunk at work/Homer continues to ignore Lenny while thinking of a plan

4th Mission:
Start Location - Homer's Work Station

Name - Blind Big Brother

Opening Conversation - Unchanged

Objectives - Unchanged but extended to include a second set of Generators that lead to Burns' Mansion back doors

Closing Conversation - Homer asks Burns why he would be spying on himself/Burns denies knowing about the cameras/Homer decides this is also the work of the Stonecutters/Burns calls Smithers to release the hounds

5th Mission:
Start Location - Simpsons Living Room

Name - Flowers By Irene

Opening Conversation - Kent Brockman announces strange black vans appearing throughout the town/Homer decides to follow the black van to get some answers/"Marge" tries to distract Homer by "complimenting" his paranoia

Objectives - Leave the house/Get in your Vehicle/Follow the Black Van/Destroy the Black Sedan/Follow the Black Limo

Closing Conversation - Homer notices the UFO above the School and all the green students in the playground/"Groundskeeper Willie" dismisses all doubt in the same manner and voice as "Lisa" & "Marge"/Homer finally connects the dots and realises that the culprit of all this is... Milhouse

6th Mission:
Start Location - Lard Lads

Name - D'oh-Nuts

Opening Conversation - Homer accuses Milhouse of turning everyone green/Milhouse tells him he's innocent/Homer ignores him and prepares to take justice into his own hands/Milhouse yells and runs away

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle/Destroy the Thrilhouse/Leave your Vehicle/Check the highlighted locations to find Milhouse's Hiding Spot

Closing Conversation - Milhouse cries/Homer realises his innocence, so he ponders who could be as evil as Milhouse/Milhouse tells him to rescue Professor Frink so he can help

7th Mission:
Start Location - Cemetery Gas Station

Name - The Fat and Furious

Opening Conversation - Homer asks Barney if he can borrow the Plow King/Barney agrees in a drunken haze

Objectives - Follow the Black Van/Destroy the Black Limo/Collect Professor Frink/Escape the Black Sedan/Go to Frink's House

Closing Conversation - Frink thanks Homer for rescuing him/Homer asks for help stopping the green invasion/Both of them go silent as a UFO appears above them/The screen goes dark as Homer and Frink scream

Bonus Mission:
Start Location - Flanders Front Lawn

Name - Petty Theft Homer

Opening Conversation - Unchanged

Objectives - Unchanged

Closing Conversation - Homer returns Ned's stuff, then asks about a reward/Ned prays for Homer, then offers him a ride/Homer mutters about Ned, but accepts the ride

Level 2:
Map Details:
Location - Downtown

TOD - Midday/Daytime

Interiors - Moe's/DMV/Bart's Room/Sit 'n' Rotate

Notable Changes - New interiors mentioned above/Inaccessible Flanders, Simpsons, & Blue House visible under the Matlock Expressway with only a teleport to Bart's Room

Clothing Stores - Moe's/DMV/Bart's Room/Sit 'n' Rotate

Character - Bart Simpson

Personal Vehicle - Lil Lightnin' 2.0
(No Driver)

Outfits - Standard/Ninja/Cadet/Bartman/Genius

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races - Patty & Selma's Sedan
(Driven by Selma, Patty sat in back)

Bonus Mission - Dr. Nick's Longhorn
(Driven by Dr. Nick)

"Homer's" Sale - Mr. Plow (Driven by "Mr. Plow")

Gil's Sale A - Limo (No Driver)

Gil's Sale B - Bart's Monster Truck (Driven by "Bart")

1st Mission:
Start Location - Jedediah Springfield Statue

Name - Detention Deficit Disorder

Opening Conversation - Unchanged

Objectives - Unchanged, but Skinner is green with the same drone like voice the other Imposters have

Closing Conversation - Bart notices that Jimbo is green like Skinner was during the chase/Jimbo repeats the same dismissive line heard by all the Green Springfielders/Bart decides to find Homer to see he caused some kind of nuclear accident

2nd Mission:
Start Location - Hospital Parking Lot

Name - Green With Envy

Before wearing "Genius" Outfit Conversation - Bart tries to ask "Homer" about everyone being green/"Homer" repeats the same dismissive line heard by all the Green Springfielders/Bart decides he needs to "look the part" if he's going to get any info out of this imposter

Opening Conversation - Bart tries to imitate the drone like voice while asking "Homer" about everyone being green/"Homer" initially buys it/but Bart tries to dig too deep/"Homer" lets out a siren-like call/Bart knows he's in trouble

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle/Escape "Skinner"/Destroy "Frink's" Hovercar/Escape "Skinner"/Get to the Matlock Expressway

Closing Conversation - Bart decides he needs to hide until the heat's off/Martin invites him to watch him play the lute/Bart decides to just go home

3rd Mission:
Start Location - Bart's Room

Name - Weapons of Mass Delinquency

Opening Conversation - Bart tries to figure out how to fight back against the Green Imposters/Ralph makes a seemingly unrelated comment about fireworks/Bart thanks Ralph for the idea then asks him for a ride

Objectives - Unchanged, but Ralph drives Bart around in his SBR

Closing Conversation - Unchanged

4th Mission:
Start Location - Sit 'n' Rotate Restaurant

Name - Plot Device

Opening Conversation - Milhouse asks Bart what he's up to/Bart tells him his plan/Milhouse asks if he can help/Bart tells him to watch out for Green Imposters from this spot

Objectives - Leave the Sit 'n' Rotate Restaurant/Plant all the Fireworks around the area before time runs out/Get up to the Monorail Platform/Plant Fireworks in the Monorail Car/Get back to Milhouse

Closing Conversation - Bart tells Milhouse to keep watch from here in case anything goes wrong/Milhouse assures Bart he can count on him/Bart relents that he has no choice but to count on him

5th Mission:
Start Location - Stadium Entrance

Name - Slime Time

Opening Conversation - Bart wonders where he'll get a vehicle strong enough to lure the Green Imposters back to the Sit 'n' Rotate/He hopes Green Homer will sell him Mr. Plow

Objectives - Buy Mr. Plow (If not already owned)/Get in your Vehicle/Find "Jimbo" (Driving a generic SBR)/Follow "Jimbo" back to Sit 'n' Rotate/Find "Kearney" (Driving a generic SBR)/Follow "Kearney" back to Sit 'n' Rotate/Find "Dolph" (Driving a generic SBR)/Follow "Dolph" back to Sit 'n' Rotate/Get back to Milhouse

Closing Conversation - Milhouse celebrates/Bart tells him not to celebrate too early, the fireworks are about to begin

6th Mission:
Start Location - Sit 'n' Rotate Entrance

Name - Let Your Colours Burst

Opening Conversation - Bart reads a checklist ending with Milhouse getting ready to light the fireworks/Bart then declares war on the Imposters

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle (Triggers the fireworks going off around the area)/Destroy "Dolph's" SBR/Destroy "Kearney's" SBR/Destroy "Jimbo's" SBR

Closing Conversation - Bart and Milhouse celebrate/Bart then decides he needs to take down Imposter Skinner

7th Mission:
Start Location - Bart's Room

Name - Greenlit

Opening Conversation - Bart prepares himself for the battle with Imposter Skinner/Ralph makes a seemingly unrelated comment about his dad's evidence locker/Bart realises he should gather some evidence about these Green Imposters

Objectives - Leave the house/Get in your Vehicle/Find "Skinner"/Hit "Skinner's" Sedan and collect the evidence/Escape "Skinner"/Get to the DMV/Destroy "Skinner's" Sedan/Get back to Bart's Room

Closing Conversation - Bart breaths a sigh of relief until he sees that Ralph is green now/Bart screams in fear as the screen turns black

Bonus Mission:
Start Location - Screaming Monkey Research Centre

Name - Monkey See Monkey D'oh (Mr. Plow not required)

Opening Conversation - Mostly Unchanged, but Bart is asking Dr. Nick for a ride, instead of a Blender

Objectives - Unchanged

Closing Conversation - Mostly Unchanged, but Bart is asking Dr. Nick for a ride, instead of a Blender

Level 3:
Map Details:
Location - Boardwalk

TOD - Evening/Noon

Interiors - Android's Dungeon/Bowl-O-Rama/Observatory/Simpsons Kitchen

Notable Changes - The Bowl-O-Rama interior/Inaccessible rear view of the Flanders, Simpsons, & Blue House visible just out of bounds with only a teleport to the Simpsons Kitchen (The kitchen window is open on the exterior and interior view)
Clothing Stores - Android's Dungeon/Bowl-O-Rama/Observatory/Simpsons Kitchen

Character - Carl Carlson

Personal Vehicle - Lenny's Canyanaro (Driven by Lenny)

Outfits - Standard/Work Shirt
/Icelandic/Pin Pals/Larry's Funeral

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races - Honor Roller (Driven by Martin)

Bonus Mission - Wiggum's Police Car (Driven by Wiggum)

"Otto's" Sale - School Bus (Driven by Otto)

Gil's Sale A - Carl's Canyonaro (No Driver)

Gil's Sale B - Sea Captain's Boatcar (Driven by Sea Captain)

1st Mission:
Start Location - Inside the Android's Dungeon

Name - Nerd Race King

Opening Conversation - Mostly unchanged, but Carl is asking for help finding the whole Simpson Family

Objectives - Race the Nerd to the Itchy & Scratchy Store/Destroy "Itchy & Scratchy's" Police Car
/Get back to the Android's Dungeon

Closing Conversation - Carl comments on the Green Itchy and Scratchy/CBG just focuses on his new comic book/Carl asks CBG if he can actually help him or not/CBG tells him to try speaking with Milhouse, as he was last seen with Bart before he disappeared

2nd Mission:
Start Location - Noiseland Arcade

Name - Clueless

Opening Conversation - Carl tries talking to Milhouse/Milhouse is kidnapped by a Black Limo

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle/Follow the Black Limo/Destroy the Black Sedan/Follow the Black Limo/Investigate the Black Limo

Closing Conversation - Carl realises the Limo is a decoy/Carl now thinks about his next move/Lenny suggests they go to see Professor Frink

3rd Mission:
Start Location - Inside the Observatory

Name - Greenhouse Gasses

Opening Conversation - Carl talks to "Frink" but instantly realises it's not him/"Frink" warns him about defying the Aliens and not letting them take over Springfield/Carl distracts "Frink" while he flees

Objectives - Get in your Vehicle/Escape the Black Sedan/Get to Planet Hype/Destroy "Lisa's" Malibu Stacy Car/Get to the Simpsons House/Enter the Simpsons Kitchen

Closing Conversation - Carl breaths a sigh of relief/Lenny just hopes they can find the real Simpsons before they have to rename the show

4th Mission:
Start Location - Simpsons Kitchen

Name - Leonard & Carlson

Opening Conversation - Carl suggests they look for clues at the boardwalk/Lenny agrees

Objectives - Leave the house/Get in your Vehicle/Get to the Squidport/Talk to the Sea Captain/Get aboard the Ship/Search for Lisa/Destroy Mini UFO (Reskinned Wasp Camera)/Search for Lisa/Destroy Mini UFO/Find Lisa

Closing Conversation - Lisa thanks Carl for helping her escape/Carl asks what's going on/Lisa tells him that Aliens are abducting humans and replacing them with Green Clones/Carl says he knew there was a simple explanation

5th Mission:
Start Location - Simpsons Kitchen

Name - Family Feud

Opening Conversation - Lisa tells Lenny and Carl to round up the other Green Simpsons/Lenny asks how they're supposed to do that/Lisa tells them to lure them with their favorite things

Objectives - Leave the house/Find a Donut Truck/Destroy the Donut Truck/Collect the box of Donuts/Get to Krustylu Studios/Destroy Mini UFOs/Talk to Krusty/Get back in your Vehicle (which now has Krusty in the back)/Get to Camp Krusty/Talk to Maggie/Get back in your Vehicle (which now has Krusty and Maggie in the back)/Get to Barney's Bowl-O-Rama

Closing Conversation - Lisa congratulates Lenny and Carl on a job well done/Lenny cheers/Carl just cheers unenthusiastically

6th Mission:
Start Location - Inside Barney's Bowl-O-Rama

Name - Strike Out

Opening Conversation - Lisa tells Lenny and Carl that their plan worked/Carl says that it's time to find out where the other Simpsons are

Objectives - (Green Marge, Bart, and Homer are all at the end of a lane) Bowl with "Bart" until he surrenders/Bowl with "Marge" until she surrenders/Bowl with "Homer" until he surrenders

Closing Conversation - "Homer" tells Lenny, Carl, and Lisa where all the kidnapped Springfielders are being held/Lenny, Carl, and Lisa celebrate/"Bart" then tells them where to find the Aliens/Lenny and Carl both scream about the Duff Brewery being taken over by the Aliens/Lisa just sighs with disappointment

7th Mission:
Start Location - Camp Krusty

Name - Road Trip

Opening Conversation - Carl tells everyone to prepare for their trip to the Duff Brewery/Lisa points out that there's not enough room for everyone in Lenny's Canyanaro/Lenny suggests borrowing Otto's School Bus

Objectives - Buy Otto's School Bus (If not already owned)/Get in Otto's School Bus (which has Otto driving with Carl in the front passenger seat, then Lenny, Lisa, Maggie, "Homer", and Krusty in the other seats)/Get to the Android's Dungeon/Pick up CBG/Get to the Aztec Theatre/Destroy the Black Sedans/Pick up SVT/Go to the Squidport/destroy Mini UFOs/Talk to the Sea Captain/Get back in Otto's School Bus (which now has CBG, SVT, and Sea Captain added to the passenger seats)/Get to the Duff Brewery

Closing Conversation - The team all watch as Kang & Kodos prepare their UFO to take over Springfield/CBG comments that it's the "Worst plan ever"/Lenny and Carl panic/SVT points out that it'll be better than working at Krusty Burger/then Sea Captain says they'll not get very far since he sold them tainted fish oil instead of proper gasoline/Kang & Kodos laugh evilly as the screen turns black and they take off, only for their UFO to explode

Bonus Mission:
Start Location - Burns Casino

Name - Slithery Sleuthing (Larry's Funeral Outfit is required as the disguise)

Opening Conversation - Mostly unchanged, but Carl is asking for help finding the whole Simpson Family

Objectives - Unchanged

Closing Conversation - Wiggum just offers Carl a ride whenever he needs it

Level 4:
Map Details:
Location - Suburbs (Halloween)

TOD - Midnight

IInteriors - Frink's Basement/Simpsons Living Room/Kwik-E-Mart/School Hallway

Notable Changes - Frink's House next to the Cemetery

Clothing Stores - Frink's Basement/Simpsons Living Room/Kwik-E-Mart/School Hallway

Character - Maggie Simpson

Personal Vehicle - Horror Roller (Driven by Hugo)

Outfits - Standard/Bouncing Battle Baby

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races - Monster Maggie

Bonus Mission -

Character Sale -

Gil's Sale A -

Gil's Sale B -

1st Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

2nd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

3rd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

4th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

5th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

6th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

7th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Bonus Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Level 5:
Map Details:
Location -


Interiors -

Notable Changes -

Clothing Stores -

Character -

Personal Vehicle -

Outfits -

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races -

Bonus Mission -

Character Sale -

Gil's Sale A -

Gil's Sale B -

1st Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

2nd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

3rd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

4th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

5th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

6th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

7th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Bonus Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Level 6:
Map Details:
Location -


Interiors -

Notable Changes -

Clothing Stores -

Character -

Personal Vehicle -

Outfits -

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races -

Bonus Mission -

Character Sale -

Gil's Sale A -

Gil's Sale B -

1st Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

2nd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

3rd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

4th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

5th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

6th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

7th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Bonus Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Level 7:
Map Details:
Location -


Interiors -

Notable Changes -

Clothing Stores -

Character -

Personal Vehicle -

Outfits -

Unlockable Vehicles:
3 Races -

Bonus Mission -

Character Sale -

Gil's Sale A -

Gil's Sale B -

1st Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

2nd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

3rd Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

4th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

5th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

6th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

7th Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -

Bonus Mission:
Start Location -

Name -

Opening Conversation -

Objectives -

Closing Conversation -