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Improved Hidden Vehicles

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This is my improved hidden vehicles pack. Every vehicle has something new added, changed or improved/fixed in some aspects, those changes and or new additions include:
  • Every vehicle has some kind of moving trunk, passenger door and or hood physics joint now
  • Every vehicle has it's own husk
  • Every vehicle has some kind of fixed or better physics compared to originals, no longer will cars like Monster Truck, Planet Hype 50's Car and Knight Boat drive to the side (altho i kept the side turning ever so slightly with Monorail but its not as egregious and not really as noticeable as the base game's version)
  • Almost every vehicle has some minor stats changes, some decisions are to accommodate some of the physics, some of it is just for making the vehicles slightly more fun, also made the Monster Truck and R/C Buggy a tiny bit faster cuz i thought they were way too slow in base game
  • Fixed front axel on ATV, front wheels no longer hover in mid air
  • Visual suspensions for most cars except for Planet Hype 50s Car and Monorail
  • Brake and reverse lights on the back of R/C Buggy is now aligned properly and R/C Buggy's front lights are now attached to a curved metal bar instead of floating in mid air
  • Fixed and improved Rocket Car interior
  • Wheels of most cars do not shine anymore, interiors have separate textures so they don't shine much anymore neither and wheels of Rocket Car and Knight Boat have been improved
  • The insides of the pipes in Rocket Car and Knight Boat are now matte and also dont shine anymore too
  • Monorail now has 3D text on the sides and has a fixed white part of the interior that stuck out of the outside part slightly on the rear part of on the side
  • Added new headlights to all vehicles that didn't have them before, these headlights are easily removable on Monorail and Rocket Car by removing the extras composable drawable instead of having to remove them in blender
  • The Rocket Car has been changed slightly to have some more elements of the version seen in the show + the middle front wheel now moves with the use of fake wheels instead of being stationary like the original
  • Added funny dumb things to Knight Boat's front part and Planet Hype's trunk with Moleman references
  • A forever smoking/on fire effect on the Rocket Car husk
  • Re-added a unused rocket horn sound for the Rocket Car's horn

Known issues that I'm aware of but didn't want to fix due to not wanting to deal with it, forgot about it after posting or its just hard to fix:

  • The doors of Knight Boat float just a tiny bit and look weird when they swing open, this was like this on the original car too and i honestly didn't wanna drastically mess with it or change where the origin is because it would probably end up making the door become miss-aligned with the rest of the boat.
  • There is a small tiny seem on the edges of Obliteratatron's doors where the logos are at that allow you to see slightly inside the interior if you look close enough in-game, the only fix I could find without drastically changing the side of the truck would be putting in Alpha Test on the logo's shader chunk but it would make it look less detailed and weird looking, I assume this is due to something with how SHAR handles 2 transparent things right up against each other in separate meshes or something. I noticed this at the very end of doing this mod pack and honestly didn't wanna bother with it
  • Sometimes the bottom rear axel on Rocket Car will phase into the pipe hole if the car lands hard enough but only happens on certain instances
  • Some parts of the collision on some cars aren't super duper detailed and is the most noticeable on Obliteratatron, and its husk, Planet Hype 50s Car and Knight Boat (all of which are just copied from the original car) Rocket Car's collision while inside the car is ever so slightly kinda off from the rest of the car model due to the fact that the front comes off so i didn't wanna extend it too far otherwise there would be a huge chunk of invisible collision at the front that would paired with nothing when the hood comes off completely when it starts smoking, the shadow of Rocket Car also had to be shortened slightly to accommodate the new hood too
  • I originally wanted to add damage textures but drastically changing the uv mapping of the cars and its new parts along with trying to hack together new textures seemed like a nightmare so i didnt bother with it, if anyone else wants to make an expansion version with damage textures they can
  • I kinda realized i forgot to add NoFrontSkidMarks=1 to the Rocket Car's husk so the invisible wheels still leaves skidmarks but its not really noticeable anyway cuz it doesn't always leave skidmarks because of how slow it is but if it is a huge problem just add NoFrontSkidMarks=1 to rocke_H's section in CustomCarSupport if you wanna put these in your mod, cuz i dont think im ever gonna update this again

Borb: Helping me figure out spheremap problem with Knight Boat's suspension skin mesh and not being visible in-game
Maz: Assets for smoke emitter from broken down Family Sedan used on Speed Rocket husk & visual suspension mesh from Obliteratatron


this is a cool mod, good job!