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Music Mod by Dan

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Hello,Donut team!
This is my first mod,that currently replaces only:

-Stone cutter Muzak with Stone Cutter Spoof(an unused music for stone cutter hall).

You can download it here:!723&authkey=!AHtzRcUrXWoTbII&ithint=file%2clmlm

And,in the future,there will be also other musics(initially there was organ_music.rsd in the place of halloween_barn.rsd,but it is in ambience.rcf,and it do not functions,and tuba 24 in the place of lounge_001.rsd,the initial cue of level 4,but it do not functions,too).

P.S:i don't know whi but in level 4 the music is uneditable...
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Did you replace the hex value for the file size of 'vivaldi.rsd' with the hex value of the file size of 'stonesutterspoof.rsd' (or whatever its called) in l1_music.rms? If not, the instance of the game will likely crash or ask for a cd when you enter the stonecutters tunnel.
The download link is 404ing for me, use Google Drive or Mediafire.