I was experimenting with a new soundtrack to possibly add to SCMMusic Initial Edition (it's just a name change, not a new music mod), and when I replaced one of my existing soundtracks with one that's bigger in size (or just simply longer), I let it loop about 5+ times. Afterwards, I paused, entered/exited a vehicle, and the game didn't give me that "PLEASE INSERT YOUR G****** DISC ALREADY" message, no matter how many times the soundtrack looped.
Could that mean that in our RMS files, we could just set those reverse-ordered hex values for a soundtrack's size to an even lower value?
For instance:
7C FE 22 01
to01 00 00 00
or7B FE 22 01
This would definitely be a lot better than just having to go through that tedious process of finding the hex values for our custom soundtracks and stuff like that. Of course, it's most likely safer to do it the way we normally do it to this day, but who's to say this method isn't satisfactory?