We're live with Donut Team's official Discord server. For the past few months, our forum has been a way to communicate with members, though we have not implemented a proper messaging service. This has resulted in users having to use their private Skype accounts to get in contact. We thought Discord was the best way to add this feature at the moment and it was suggested by a few users.
We've also added "Discord" to the tab next to "Recent". You can click on it and get an invite if you ever can't remember how to join. If there are any issues, please let us know!
Happy chatting!
You can get your invite here
Thank you,
Jake Andreøli
Co-Founder of Donut Team
The official Donut Team Discord server is live.
Posted in Announcements
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We're live with Donut Team's official Discord server. For the past few months, our forum has been a way to communicate with members, though we have not implemented a proper mes