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im doing a star wars land speeder mod

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hi im aldy and im making a new mod
if you like too help tell me
this is the scrennshot.
i will give link when done!
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Wow, looks great
But you need to make this car separate from Frinks hover car, by making it buyable
1. Copy files of remake
2. Paste them somewhere
3. Rename remake
4. Rename everything in Pure3D Editor files
5. Add the car name into "rewards.mfk" on any level
6. Set price
7. Lower, you will see stats, add car name and set them
That should do it.
Thanks Its actually a family sedan its a standalone vehicle i just need someone to help me with da sound
Maybe i will uploaded tomorrow its late night in here btw maybe the car has no sound because idk how to do sound stuff
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Im not pro in these things, you can talk with Developers/Moderators on Discord.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
To give the car sound, you need to give it an entry in 'cartune.spt' located in the 'scripts.rcf' file. The car looks great by the way!