Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Need icons, please.

Posted in Support
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Yes, made new thread instead of using mod one
Is because is rather pointless imo to do it in your mod thread
Coming to the icon help:
i know this is much asking, but i need some help in create icons, would someone create for my mod: (is because the icons i create are **** , i see people that do icons and seem like they are in the Original Game Without Modding.)

Big Wheel Truck

Family Sedan


Nerd Car

CBG Green Car

70s Sport Car

Bart's Ferrini


El Carro Loco



Lisa (Cool)

Chief Wiggum's House
I made the 70s Sports Car for Yellow Shift, so you can feel free to use it.

Also, I think the icon for Bart's Ferrini already exists in the game.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Some of the icons you are requesting may be located on this thread.

I wish you the best of luck!
Derpygeta, How about some of these?
oh man, thanks so much. both