here is the link to the mod:!hcYlUaiR!9UbhG-2PU3xoOG3iuaWW57Ub-foftcVRLtB7JNSs7zE
the above link goes to the latest version.
Hope you enjoy this mod with the rare 90s car!
UPDATE: Released 1.1! This fixes an issue where the damage textures in the phone booth crashes the game when hovering over it!
UPDATE: Released 1.2! I fixed different things like added transparent window textures, changed the wheel texture, updated the passenger skeleton values, made the .con file work better, and changed the phone booth image.
Sorry about the lack of updates for almost a year. I know this isn't my most popular mod, and even then I took a lot of time to make it look perfect!
here is a screenshot of what I have done: