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Hummer replace Mr.Plow

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Hi! I made a retexture of the standard MR.PLOW is to a Hummer. Mod include normal and damaged models, .con script and phone images.
This is my first mod on this site))) Link below
Instructions in readme file!!!!!!!

Link removed by administrator.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
It looks pretty good especially for a first mod.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Dude, this looks amazing :D I really hope you make some more mods here.
Thank ! I plan to understand the technology to create mods and make them all the more harder, better and bigger)))
Just put files from "hummer mr.plow" forlder to your's simpson ROOT directory and allow replace exits files.

I'm taking down the link to this mod for now and asking that you repackage it correctly as a mod for Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher. Overwriting files in the game is not an acceptable way to install mods for this game given our tools.

You can do this relatively quickly. Download the mod launcher from our SHAR Mods site and run it and you're basically good to go.

Now to set up your actual mod, simply create a folder with whatever name you wish, create a new file and title it "Meta.ini" then put this text inside the file and save it:
Title=Hummer Mr. Plow



Of course you can change the title to whatever you want, this is just an example.

Then next to Meta.ini in the same folder, create a folder named "CustomFiles" and put your "art" and "scripts" folder inside that. Also I notice your zip file has a typo in the "scripts" folder name (scripst) so obviously fix that too.

Then put the folder containing your Meta.ini and CustomFiles folder into the Mods folder included in the Launcher's zip file, reload the launcher, enable it in the mods list, and you should be all set.

When distributing it, you can either ZIP the entire folder containing the mods files (Meta.ini and the CustomFiles folder) or right click it in the Mod Launcher's mods list and compile it to an LMLM file to distribute it as a single file.

Assuming you do the latter and you still want people to be able to use the car in their own mods, then add this to Meta.ini:

This will allow users to decompile your mod back to a folder and have access to the files.

Hope to see you back here soon with a Mod Launcher version of this mod.