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How to port a car to The Simpsons Hit & Run

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[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
First we are going to need a few prequistes.
Lucas's Mod Launcher (duh)
Lucas's Pure3D Editor
Lucas's Car Renamer
Lucas's RCF Explorer
The car model you intend to port

Firstly after you aquired your 3d model in OBJ format, we can import it into blender.
Now (depending upon what you want) you cut and paste meshes like the doors and wheels if you want real car damage.
Now to center the car in the model, you need to hit these keys in combination Ctrl Shift Alt C and select Origin to Geometry.
Then move the car to the center of the blender space. I would export another car's model from SHAR and use that as reference. Now when you have the car body ready, go to Export and be sure to select this check box.
Now we will use one of Army of Cola Remastered's cars as a template. Now import your model for the main body.
The car will be pink, this means there are no textures asigned to it. We can make textures by importing image files and adding them to a shader.
Be sure to change the shader type from Simple to environment and type EnvMap.bmp if you want the car to have reflection.
Now to assign shaders to the car, go into the mesh and change the names of the meshes to the shader name.
The last thing we need to do is move the wheels so they are properly alligned to the car. This can be achieved by going to the skeleton of the car and changing the corrdinates for W0, 1, 2, and 3. W0 and 1 are the rear right and left tires.
While W2 and 3 are front left and right.

Now we have to add the car to the game, give it sound, and give it stats.
We have to create the file CustomCarSupport.ini
Then we have to rename the car and give it a free index entry. 90-250 are free I believe.
Now we have to extract car_tune.spt from scripts.rcf
Just copy an entry and rename the car name on the top to the file name of the car.
Now we need to copy a con file so the car has stats. Copy one from scripts/cars/CARNAME.con
Finally we need to add phonebooth icons for the car, and a copy of the car for the showroom.
Be sure to make one for both the car, and damaged. Name these
CARNAME.png and CARNAMED.png. Now we just copy the car to art/frontend/dynaload/cars/carname.p3d
you can also do this to make the shop car smaller in file size.
Awesome, thanks for uploading this!
Excellent tutorial.
Broken links :'(
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5 yrs ago (Statistics)
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
That's not what the rule is. Afaik there's no official guidelines for when a thread is considered dead or not. It's definitely not just considered dead after a month beyond creation.

@PCJero The Donut Team links are broken, but all/most of those tools can still be downloaded on the site. Just click Download and go to the Tools section.
Please upload the video version I get lost on my own
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4 yrs ago (Statistics)