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[Archived] Donut Mod 4: General Information

Posted in Donut Mod
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jack the doughnut mod is a un-release, please date
I don't have much time to respond right now but I want to add that the map has come leaps and bounds since May of this year. I think it's improved drastically and I am working on some of the critiques I've received from stuff we have shown so far such as the lack of terrain variety and lack of texture variety on background structures.

This required throwing out a lot of models and trying again, a process that so far has presented drastically better results across the board.

I'm not sure what it was but I feel like something clicked and I'm really in my groove now.

I have to go to work now for the day but I just wanted to chime in with hopefully some words of confidence.
I will talk more about this in the video that in actively working on writing up the script for. As Jake said though, he'll be away for a few days and as he handles the video editing this will delay said video.
I understand there's going to be a status update explaining all this, but the point is that this information is not currently available and you're still mad at us for assuming when we're still waiting to be told what's actually going on. If you don't want people assuming things that look obvious (because there has been no information to say otherwise) then don't dismiss their post saying it's 'misinformed' Actually specify what's incorrect, and don't get annoyed at them because of it.

You're also still acting like we're all begging for you to release stuff. No-one is wanting that, it's much better to spend time on things and not rush. But we would like clarity on what's going on, why these tools are being delayed, the state of completion on things like this. Again, this is after being promised that you would do things like that and I've seen no sign of this apart from this elusive status update, which is a very new thing to come along. You're saying "We owe you nothing and we give you everything" which is true, but you can't just use it as an excuse to never fulfill your promises. It's not a 'get out of jail free' card. It also makes you sound like a jerk, but that's beside the point.

Another thing I meant to mention earlier, before I got caught up in this whole situation about 'being misinformed' was this quote

"so unless you want a tool with literally zero documentation and when you do something wrong all it does is crash, then I think you can wait"
Now that would actually be perfect (well, not 'perfect' obviously, but you know what I mean) for a sort of pre-release tool, another thing that was promised and never fulfilled. I also find it pretty unlikely that there's really "zero documentation" because that would mean that over 6 months was wasted doing nothing. And that doesn't strike me as the kind of thing that you'd do (look, I'm assuming things again because nobody has been informed!)
I have a question for the developers. Or rather clear out...

All the tools that is up for discussion of being released. Who exactly is the "owner" of the rights. Donutteam or Lucas? I don't want to speculate on what is right and therefor wanting to ask all of you first.

(Why I ask is because the mod launcher is (as I understand) named after Lucas. As well as the Lucas' Pure3D Editor & Lucas' Radmusic Script Builder and other tools...)
Lucas is a part of our team but I think our general philosophy is that the tools are still his and he has the biggest say on if something is actually good enough to release or not.

He has reasonably high standards with his programs and considers certain things such as backwards compatibility incredibly important. Lucas will never intentionally break backwards compatibility and if he does so by accident he will do everything he can to fix it asap. As far as I know, this has only happened once and he was very on top of it (that one time an update broke Housewife Duties).

Once he gets something to a point where he considers it acceptable to release, him and I work together to write a change-log for it (for the Mod Launcher, this is based on his personal one with internal changes omitted) and in certain cases nowadays we also prepare a video (such as the RMS Builder and 1.18 for the Mod Launcher). Once that's all good to go, we distribute it here on the website and let everyone know through other channels as well (Discord and Twitter mostly).

Lastly, I'm not sure why Lucas puts his name in all of his programs but we never really questioned it. I'm guessing he might do so in the event someone else ever makes tools that serve similar purposes just to differentiate them or he might just like doing it.
Everyone the saying is: if you don't have anything good to say it is best to keep it to yourself. I'd like to see you make a mod all by yourself with the type of quality and content Donut Mod has. The team has consistently told everyone to be patient. Most of them have families, and don't want to be stuck behind a computer all day. They have lives outside making Donut Mod. Spreading positivity goes a long way, and will boost their morale. Keep up the good work Jake, Loren, and the rest of the team involved in the production of the mod, and I can't wait to see what the final product looks like
Sammy, no one cares what you have to say.
We encourage viewpoint expression and want everybody in the community to be happy. That said, we'd appreciate it if there weren't comments like that.

Ultimately, I think it might be better if this conversation ends here. We'll have a video out to you by the end of the month (ideally by the end of this week).
can you finish yet to download
Shouldn't Loren or Jake just lock this thread? Because people will just keep asking and it won't stop. And I won't lie: it's making me roll my eyes.