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Project Donut: General Information ( now available!)

Posted in Donut Mod
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Project Donut is the original version of Donut Mod from way back in 2013.

We're now open sourcing it so our newer players can learn where it all started and look back at our earliest work as a team.


For the most part, this release is largely unchanged from the last public release of Project Donut. There are a couple changes though so here's the breakdown.

  • General
    • Now requires CustomCarSupport.
  • Rewards
    • Relocated Rewards definitions for Levels 2-7 to "scripts\missions\rewards\rewards_2-7.mfk". This is a dummy file that doesn't actually get loaded but exists to preserve these definitions. Note that all the relevant files for these rewards are still present but they are not necessarily in a working state.
    • Fixed an issue where the path to the Donut Sedan was incorrect.
    • Added proper phonebooth images for the Bonestorm Truck, the Donut Sedan and the Speed Rocket.
  • Missions
    • L1M3
      • Fixed an issue where the notice message states the incorrect amount of coins to buy Barney's Plow King vehicle.
    • L1BM1
      • Fixed an issue where the path to the locators file was incorrect.

Version 1.2.0 (Based on 1.1.0)
  • General
    • Changed Category from "Campaigns" to "Campaign Mods".
    • No longer requires the "No Cheats" hack.
    • No longer conflicts with "Cheat Keys", "No Jump Limit" and "No Traffic".
    • Now requires CustomStatsTotals.
    • Now uses the Credits section of the mod launcher.
    • Updated the Donut Team author.
  • Missions
    • L1M2
      • Disabled SetCamBestSide in the last dialogue stage in the Sunday Drive part of the mission.
    • L1M4
      • Fixed an oversight where the Survelliance Van did not spawn in the correct location, causing you to always fail this mission.
      • You now restart on the second stage instead of the first one.
    • L1M5
      • Now loads the missions locators file in the Sunday Drive mission.
    • L1M7
      • Disabled SetCamBestSide in the last dialogue stage in the Sunday Drive part of the mission.
      • Changed the internal name of "smith_v_pink" back to "smith_v" since this caused a crash.


What's up with all of the unused files in this version?
These are the remnants of unfinished content from this version of the mod. There is no plans to restore this content in this release and there are there purely for preservation purposes. If you're interested in restoring any of it yourself, feel free to do so.


Project Donut is available on our Legacy Downloads page.
Alien Drone crashed the game when passed in the phonebooth. But aside from that, this is pretty cool!
I wasn't even aware that was in there, my bad! I did give this mod a runthrough before re-releasing it but the phonebooth slipped my mind entirely. I'll look into sorting that out soon.
I also suggest to fix many imperfections in the level 1 missions. Eg:
-in M1, skinner's car already stands in front of Simpsons house while the player is still picking up the science project. In my opinion, it should spawn after the science project is taken and more far from the player, to avoid seeing it pluffing in front of the player.
-in M2, Barney's chase stage has no stage message.
-in M4, the van chasing stage shows "investigate the black van" instead of "follow the black van" and when you back to the Power Plant after the chase ends the van is still there and will start to go away during the MISSION COMPLETE scene.
-in M7, the racers' AI is ridicolous so i suggest to fix it.
There are no plans to make any changes to how the missions play out beyond fixing actual game breaking issues.

The point of this release is to give newer users a chance to experience our earliest work as a team and changing the missions like how you suggest ruins the integrity of that. is now available. See the main post for the changelog.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
I played the mod recently and I was able to 100% the level without any problems. I passed all missions in first try, except the 4th one with power couplings due to more strict time limit (I fell down once and I was able to destroy the last power coupling in last 1-2 seconds but time ran out before I reached the workstation to finish the mission, in second try I did no mistakes and was able to finish it in time). Yeah some of the missions were quite difficult in this version because they had shorter time limits (I'm guessing this is the inspiration for the Hellfish difficulty in later versions of Donut Mod?) but not really a problem for someone who knows a lot about SHAR. Though I don't understand why in last mission the racers randomly gain a lot of speed but besides that I was still able to finish last mission without too much trouble, I guess I was lucky.

It's interesting to see how Donut Mod started and I remember how back in mid to late 2013, I was watching some videos on YouTube about The Simpsons Hit & Run and stumbled upon Project Donut. It made me interested in the game again (I played SHAR first time back in 2005 and completed it 100% a couple of times back then) and when the forum was launched and second version of the mod was announced and eventually released, I also joined the forums.

Now, I wonder if you guys will also release the second version of Project Donut (AKA Donut Mod 2) which was released in early 2014 as far as I remember and was my first experience with the mod. Nowadays I guess it's not anything special since it basically plays like between the first and third version of the mod but it's interesting nonetheless to release it just so people can have all the versions of Donut Mod, or rather all major versions. And for historical purposes, just like how the first version was released.
]Yeah some of the missions were quite difficult in this version because they had shorter time limits (I'm guessing this is the inspiration for the Hellfish difficulty in later versions of Donut Mod?)

This is correct.

Though I don't understand why in last mission the racers randomly gain a lot of speed but besides that I was still able to finish last mission without too much trouble, I guess I was lucky.

Their car configurations are completely absurd.

]Now, I wonder if you guys will also release the second version of Project Donut (AKA Donut Mod 2) which was released in early 2014 as far as I remember and was my first experience with the mod.

We were originally going to re-release DM2 as well but after looking it over we decided not to. The source code is horrendous. We still might do it at some point but right now we don't really want to poke at it.
Hey Loren,

So, I know this is a dead topic thread, but, would you be able to provide any kind of walkthrough for the mod? I'm looking around Level 1 for wasp cameras but I'm stuck with only 4 remaining (that I need to find).

Whether it be your own walkthrough or another doesn't really matter, I only ask because I can only find walkthroughs for the vanilla game (and later Donut Mod entries) but none for this one.

Any help otherwise, though, would be much appreciated!


Edit: Now only 2 remaining, one found behind the stone Evergreen Terrace sign, the other found by sheer luck behind a tree near a blue house whilst destroying Skinner's car.
Mod walkthroughs aren't typically a big thing. Video playthroughs (usually of only the regular missions) exist on YouTube, and there are a few non mission related videos, but there's not really much.

Also, bumping this post to ask this might not have been the best idea, @TheOriginalRyukUK.