Blender and P3d
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famlyguyfunnymomen I'm new to modding so I'm not quite sure where to place the add-on file into Blender. I placed it into "addon" which came to no prevail. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in adva
I'm new to modding so I'm not quite sure where to place the add-on file into Blender. I placed it into "addon" which came to no prevail. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Fluffy How to add an Add-on
1. Go to User Preferences
2. Go to the Add-ons tab
3. Install from file
4. Select
How to add an Add-on
1. Go to User Preferences
2. Go to the Add-ons tab
3. Install from file
4. Select the file. Make sure to have placed all the files in a place they won't be deleted
5. Check this box
6. Restart Blender and check to see if this is in your import/export menu