Loren Community,
Today we're releasing Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.18.3 and Lucas' Pure3D Editor 4.1.4.
Changelog for Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.
Today we're releasing
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.18.3 and
Lucas' Pure3D Editor 4.1.4.
Changelog for Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.18.3
Launcher Window
- Added a sprinkle of unspeakable evil to mitigate the game hanging on exit in certain cases..
- Fixed an issue where the Mod Launcher update dialog could appear over Mod Settings windows.
- Fixed an issue where "3DPhoneBoothPreviewSupport.ini" wasn't included when compiling mods.
- Made the game start at the resolution selected by the user.
- This behaviour can be disabled with the new "Start in Correct Resolution" setting in the Game tab of the Launcher Settings.
Hack: Debug Test
Graphics Page
Removed "Default Resolution". This is now done automatically as mentioned above.
Hack: Debug Text
Made the in-world text of the "triggers", "character joints", "car joints", "dyna phys", "static phys", "road segments" and "car matrix" pages render under the frontend.
"fences" Page
Added this page. This page renders Fence collision in the world.
"intersect" Page
- Added "Tree node min" and "Tree node max".
- Added "Tree node parent offset".
- Changed "Intersect normal" to "Intersect triangle normal".
- Now renders the current intersect on top of the world.
- Now shows the memory location of the current Intersect.
- Now shows the vertex positions of the current Intersect triangle.
"paths" Page
Added this page. This page renders pedestrian Paths on top of the world.
"tree" Page
Now renders the bounding box of the tree node and renders all of the intersects inside it.
Hack: Modern Computer Support
Now outputs the detected OS version to the Console on startup.
Changelog for Lucas' Pure3D Editor 4.1.4
- Added the "Teleport To In Game" tool on Locator chunks. This allows you to teleport to the position of the locator. This works with 1.17.1 or newer of the Mod Launcher.
- Fixed a crash when pasting some Frontend pages.
Happy modding,
Donut Team
4 likes Sending vote...
diegomolano Por favor dime como instalarlo y usar esta nueva version y les pido tambien que coloquen este launcher a idioma spañish
Por favor dime como instalarlo y usar esta nueva version y les pido tambien que coloquen este launcher a idioma spañish
Fluffy diegomolano,
Su hilo original: https://donutteam.com/forum/topic/1915/
Todo lo que tiene que hacer es descargarlo, extraer todos los contenidos en una carpeta y luego ejecutarlo. Realmente no s&
Su hilo original:
Todo lo que tiene que hacer es descargarlo, extraer todos los contenidos en una carpeta y luego ejecutarlo. Realmente no sé qué es difícil sobre esto, ¿Hay preguntas específicas que tienes?
Aquí hay una captura de pantalla del programa de lanzamiento traducida. No tenemos planes de traducir el programa real:
Jake Andreøli
LucasRM7 how play multiplayer now????
how play multiplayer now????
LucasRM7 i need the Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher version 1.18.2 for download help me!!!!!!! send me link!!!
i need the Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher version 1.18.2 for download help me!!!!!!! send me link!!!
LucasRM7 multiplayer hack removed!!!! no download this!!!!!!
multiplayer hack removed!!!! no download this!!!!!!
Fluffy LucasRM7, can you stop spamming?
Multiplayer Download: http://multiplayer.donutteam.com/game/sharmp/download
Mod Launcher Download: https://donutteam.com/downloads/Launcher/
LucasRM7, can you stop spamming?
Multiplayer Download:
Mod Launcher Download:
LucasRM7 no!!!!! jake multiplayer hack! in launcher!!!
no!!!!! jake multiplayer hack! in launcher!!!
Colou There is no multiplayer hack in the normal Mod Launcher. Multiplayer is a separate launcher, which Jake already linked.
Looking at your play history you have already played Multiplayer, so I don'
There is no multiplayer hack in the normal Mod Launcher. Multiplayer is a separate launcher, which Jake already linked.
Looking at your play history you have already played Multiplayer, so I don't understand why you're asking?
LucasRM7 List of mods that are not compatible with the Lucas's Launcher Multiplayer
01 - A Clown's Life DEMO 1.1b
02 - A Clown's Life_Demo
03 - A Day in the Life 1.2.3
05 - Comic
List of mods that are not compatible with the Lucas's Launcher Multiplayer
01 - A Clown's Life DEMO 1.1b
02 - A Clown's Life_Demo
03 - A Day in the Life 1.2.3
05 - Comic_Life_1.3.1b
06 - HA
07 - Homer N Frink
08 - LNKM - Public Demo V1.1
09 - LNKM - Public Demo V1.2
10 - Luigi Voice Pack No SFX
11 - Mario and Luigi Pack
12 - Mario GRAND Edition
13 - Mario
14 - Metal Arms in Springfield
15 - SomeChallengeMod
16 - The Speedy Simpsons Mod (Version 1.03)
17 - Wiggum_In_Zombieland_1.3.4