Hello everyone,
As you may be aware, several issues have been encountered when using Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.26.1; While we've distributed individual fixes for these issues when they've occured, we have not yet released an update that addresses all of them to the wider community.
You can find all the relevant information on our blog: donutteam.com/blog/post/an-important-announcement-regarding-lucas-simpsons-hit-run-mod-launcher-v-1-26-1
If you have any issues or feedback, please feel free to share it on this post.
An Important Announcement Regarding Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher (v1.26.1)
Posted in Announcements
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Fluffy Hello everyone,
As you may be aware, several issues have been encountered when using Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.26.1; While we've distributed individual fixes for these
duffhause >Encrypted Mods Not Loading
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>Encrypted Mods Not Loading
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