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Modern Fixup Mod (Broken)

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1. I've fixed that. I'm just having problems compiling the mod right now because it's not letting me.
2. races shouldn't crash but ill look into it
3. no it isn't. not sure why you are having that issue. in fact, all the cars are faster.
4. that's is because of your computer. I can't help that.

also if I cant compile a mod update in 24 hours I'm going to have to remove the link until it starts working again. It's getting a bit ridiculous now since something like this never happened a few weeks ago.
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
Newer revised cars

I updated some of the cars, like the family sedan, which is almost a replica of the Donut Mod 4 version
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
I'll take a look at them, but I'm going to be offline for a week so I won't be working on it. I already have a huge update for this mod but it won't compile because the launcher can't handle it.
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
That is legit the biggest oof I've ever heard. "Mod launcher can't handle it"

Best of luck my dude
I'm looking forward to the full release of this mod, keep up the good work dude.
The quoted post is unavailable.

Hello! Where i can download this great mod?
[deleted user]
2 yrs ago (Statistics)
The quoted post is unavailable.

Judging by the post itself and it's title you can deduce that the mod is either still in development, or scrapped entirely, since it had no updates for over a year
(Only MACCA himself can confirm the mod's status though)
Sorry, but where can i find the download link?