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How to make custom 3-letter word for a new character?

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So far I've only been able to edit Quimby but that's because he's already in there as "Qim"

I know in order to add new dialogue you have to make a custom .wav file (16 bit/24000 Hz/mono) then you put that in the specific character's folder. In this case I made a folder named "Quimby" in the "CustomFiles" folder, then putting the .wav file in Quimby (it was a Quimby reacting "You Moron!" to being hit by a car, the file is "p_hitbyc_qim_01.rsd"). Then I added it in "Sound>Scripts>Dialog.spt".

Anyways, that's so you all know I know what do to up to there. It worked successfully after adding that Quimby quote, but what I want to do is know how to add a new character. Random example, say a .p3d Troy McClure was made, creating "Tro" for him to have dialogue


P.S. If you're wondering how I got Quimby, it was after decompiling the Road Rage mod.
RSD files are not the same as WAV files and you need to use the right format or you will get issues. You can use Lucas' RSD Converter to convert your WAV files to RSD.

As for the 3-letter word, that's a dialogue character code. You can define one of these by requiring the CustomDialogueCharacterCodes hack and then specifying it in CustomDialogueCharacterCodes.ini in the root folder of your mod.

Ah thanks, it worked!