Quick Description:

Lexy (aka: Me) moves to Springfield looking for a purpose.
(Imagine Lexy's lines in a posh British voice)
A custom map, using "Bart's Level 2 Downtown" as a base, but with more roads and shortcuts to make the map feel more open, instead of track based. All main buildings and structures from Level 1 & Level 3 will be added to this map too as well as the Powerplant, Springfield Gorge, and Springfield Mall from Road Rage (it will be quite expanded). The Driving Music will be from "Lisa's Level 3".
Lexy + Costumes:
All can be purchased in: Kwik-E-Mart, Springfield Elementary, Moe's, DMV, Android's Dungeon, Observatory, Springfield Mall (Leftorium), Powerplant (Homer's Workstation)
The hairstyle in the picture
cyan T-Shirt
black Skinny Jeans
dark red Sneakers
Same as "Default", but her T-Shirt is recoloured to resemble the Transgender Flag
Krusty Burger:
Same as "Default", but with a Krusty Burger hat, ap***, and shoes (FYI, for some reason this site sensors the word a-p-r-o-n... So that's the word that's showing up as ap*** for some reason)
Same as "Default", but with the Kwik-E-Mart workshirt
Moe's Bartender:
Same as "Default but with Moe's ap***
"Kiss Me I'm Left Handed" T-Shirt:
Same as "Default but with the aforementioned T-Shirt
Moe's Sedan:
(Starting Vehicle)
Skinner's Sedan:
(Complete Skinner's Bonus Mission)
Family Sedan (with roof):
(Purchase from Bart at Bart's Treehouse)
Obliteratron Big Wheel Truck:
In the colours of the Transgender Flag (Complete all 3 Challenges)
Car Built For Homer:
(Purchase from Gil at the Springfield Mall)
(Purchase from Gil at the Springfield Mall)
Marge's Station Wagon:
(Purchase from Gil at the Springfield Mall)
Parked in the back alley between Moe's & The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club
Welcome To Springfield Tutorial Mission:
Springfield Sign
Initial Objective:
- Look down at Springfield
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: Well, here I am Springfield... You're bigger than I expected... Guess I should get myself a vehicle.
Mission Objectives:
- Go to the DMV
- Talk to Patty & Selma
- Collect your Licence
- Go to the Used Car Lot
- Talk to Gil
- Get in Moe's Sedan
- Go to the Brown House
- Enter the Living Room
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: Well... It's no dream house... But it's the best I could afford... The only house I could afford.
Hi Diddly Ho 1st Mission:
Brown House
Initial Objective:
- Greet your new Neighbours
Conversation Scene:
Ned: Hi diddly ho, neighbourino.
Homer: Stupid Flanders.
Lexy: Uh? Hello. Listen, I'm looking for a job... Have you any recommendations?
Marge: Homie, you're late for work. And today's your workplace evaluation with Mr. Smithers.
Homer: Ah! He'll find my scorpion farm, then where will my scorpions live?
Lexy: Scorpion farm?... Not what I was hoping for, but I guess I'll check it out.
Mission Objectives:
- Get in your vehicle
- Follow Homer
- Destroy Smithers' vehicle
- Resume following Homer to the Powerplant
- Meet Homer at his workstation
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: Wait... This is not a scorpion farm... It's a powerplant.
Homer: Whuh!? That wasn't part of the deal.
Lexy: Are you serious right now?
Would You Like Fries With That? 2nd Mission:
Krusty Burger (Town Square)
Initial Objective:
- Order a burger
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: I'm not risking my health by working at a nuclear plant.
SVT: Welcome to Krusty Burger, may I take your order?
Lexy: I'll have the "Krusty Pacemaker Maker"... Also, do you need a delivery driver? I just got my licence...
SVT: I'll have to ask my manager.
Mission Objectives:
- Get in your vehicle
- Collect the 1st order from the drive-thru
- Deliver the order to the customer before time runs out
- Return to Krusty Burger
- Collect the 2nd order
- Deliver the order before time runs out
- Go to the Krusty Burger near the Police Station
- Collect the 3rd order
- Follow Chief Wiggum until he stops
- Talk to Chief Wiggum
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: Why did you run away? I was just trying to give you your order.
Wiggum: (Laughs) Boy is my face red.
Lexy: Well, I'm not wasting all my earnings on refuelling my car after having to chase down all my customers... What else does this town have to offer?
Worst Job Ever! 3rd Mission:
Androids Dungeon
Initial Objective:
- Talk to Comic Book Guy
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: So, what's my first task then?
CBG: I must get the last copy of the new Itchy & Scratchy Adventures comic. It's the controversial issue, in which they finally kiss.
Lexy: (Sigh) If you say so.
Mission Objectives:
- Race the other nerd to the Itchy & Scratchy Store
- Collect the comic
- Go to Krusty Burger (Police Station)
- Destroy the other Nerd's vehicle
- Get back to The Android's Dungeon
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: That's more unnecessary fuel wasted... Thanks for nothing.
Odd Jobs 4th Mission:
Brown House
Initial Objective:
- Sit on the couch
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: (Sigh) I'm tired. And all these jobs are costing me as much money as I make... Maybe I should just stick with side jobs for now... I know, I could be a taxi driver.
Mission Objectives:
- Pick up Lisa
- Drop off Lisa at the Springfield Sign before time runs out
- Pick up Duff Man
- Drop off Duff Man at Moe's before time runs out
- Pick up Moleman
- Drop off Moleman at the DMV before time runs out
- Pick up Abe
- Drop off Abe at the Simpsons House before time runs out
- Pick up Marge
- Drop off Marge at the Kwik-E-Mart before time runs out
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: Wait... A convenience store? (Thinks)... I'll do it!
Thank You, Come Again 5th Mission:
Brown House
Initial Objective:
- Purchase Kwik-E-Mart costume from Kwik-E-Mart, Springfield Elementary, Moe's, DMV, Androids Dungeon, Observatory, Leftorium, or Homer's Workstation
- Check out you new look in the Brown House's window
Conversation Scene:
Lexy: And now, to begin my new permanent job in Springfield.
Mission Objectives:
- Go to the Kwik-E-Mart before time runs out
(You missed the interview, you'll have to impress the manager another way)
- Clean up all the trash around the store's exterior
- Go to Try-N-Save
- Take their Supply Truck
- Lose the cops
- Take the truck back to the Kwik-E-Mart before time runs out
- Destroy the Try-N-Save Employee's vehicle
- Enter the Kwik-E-Mart
- Go to the Manager's Office
- Knock on the door
(There's no answer, just take the Barney guarding job at Moe's)
- Leave the Kwik-E-Mart
- Go to Barney's Bowlarama
- Destroy the Plow King before Barney reaches Moe's
(Mission Complete)
Steamed Hams Bonus Mission:
Skinner's House (Pale Blue Generic House)
Initial Objective:
- Talk to Skinner
Conversation Scene:
I think we all know how this goes
Mission Objectives:
- Drive to Krusty Burger before time runs out
- Collect Skinner's order
- Drive back to Skinner's House before time runs out
Conversation Scene:
And we all know how this ends