Addy Y'know that flag Gag at Kamp Krusty in Levels 3 and 6? This mod swaps the "Camp Bart" texture on it for the transgender flag. This is something I made over two years ago and used as a s
Y'know that flag Gag at Kamp Krusty in Levels 3 and 6? This mod swaps the "Camp Bart" texture on it for the transgender flag. This is something I made over two years ago and used as a secret in one mod, but has been released singularly at request from
SimplyTadpole. The mod supports making this change for the Level 3 and 6 versions of the flag individually, via mod settings (both are enabled by default). Might be compatible with other mods that simply load the same relevant files as the vanilla game does.
Requires at least version 1.20 of the mod launcher. Is compatible with the Demo game release. Is decompilable.
1.0 (1st June 2023)
5 likes Sending vote...
GIVE_ME_HELP This Mod is cozy?
SimplyTadpole Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us ^^
Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us ^^
TanookiReviews I never knew I wanted this until now
I never knew I wanted this until now
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