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Fully Connected Map: Full Game Plus BETA

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the ai in l4m4 needs fixing because wiggum drives in to a wall after taking the first shortcut next to the simpsons house (its broken in the og game too btw)
0.95b released. The LiquidWiFi update.

  • Fixed issue in L7M7 with picking up the waste
  • Fixed sound trigger crash on L7 burns mansion
  • Fixed L4 bonus mission
  • Fixed traffic so now it can properly cross level borders without de-spawning (sometimes)
  • Fixed parked cars spawning on top of eachother (lesser)
  • Adjusted L4M4 AI
  • Adjusted L4M7 Wiggum spawn
  • Fixed issue with savegames
  • Various other little adjustments
0.96b released. The Hundo Beta Update!

  • Fixed all wasps in every level
  • Fixed all cards in every level
  • Fixed all gags in every level
  • Every task now completable (untested lol)
  • Fixed heaps of bugs
  • Restored proper L4/L5/L6 skyboxes
  • Tweaked a few missions
This mod is overall good so far but being blunt - it has to be said that you have completely butchered Never Trust A Snake and it is in serious need of ammending. It goes on for an unexceptably long amount of time and yet the time limit is impossibly strict. Spending nearly 20 mins on the mission with it still going on only to then be left with 30 secs to get from the harbour to the DMV is putridly ridiculous. Other than this I haven't experienced any crashes in this version of the mod but it seriously sounds like you need someone to playtest your mod(s). Otherwise, as I said, this is still good work especially for a first mod but please playtest or get someone else to playtest in the future.

EDIT: Somehow I neglected to mention that in the same mission, on top of everything else, having a timer for the garbage truck sections is silly. Having a timer on the garbage truck sections that carries over to the trash collecting sections when you have little to no control over the truck's speed is INCREDIBLY silly. Having a timer on the garbage truck sections that carries over to the trash collecting sections when you have little to no control over the truck's speed with the truck itself having what genuinely feels like INTENTIONALLY bad AI is downright unnacceptable. I understand that timer in the truck secion was present in the original but the fact that not only was this not changed similar to many other positive changes made in other areas of the mod but chose to add to it and make it worse is concerning and is in desperate need of changing.
it seriously sounds like you need someone to playtest your mod(s) ... please playtest or get someone else to playtest in the future

I think the mod states pretty clearly that it's a beta release, and that the purpose of the beta is for playtesting. Please don't be rude about it.

Edit: This goes doubly so for your edit. Instead of being all "this is an OBVIOUS PROBLEM and you're a MORON for not noticing it" just like, make a suggestion. Say "hey, I think it would be better if you did this". There's no need to be an a****** about it.
@Declan skill issue

It's very easy to get to the DMV with over a minute to spare. If you had've not been an absolute d*** about making a suggestion I would take your opinion seriously, but now I will wait for others feedback.
First of all, aswesome mod, you've done an amazing job. I'm trying to 100% right now and I'm loving it. One little suggestion, though it's really only a detail and not that important, in the Scrap Book when you go and select a mission you can see images related to them, but some of them don't really make sense now. One that I can think of now is Slithery Sleuthing, because it depicts Burns' Casino which is the starting ponit of the mission in the original game, but since it was moved to Police Station and in the mod you don't even go to the Casino it dosen't fit now. Hope you can launch the official release soon.
@AleMonazo I never even considered the scrapbook. Thanks for the suggestion!