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Fully Connected Map: Full Game Plus BETA

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An option to use controller prompts instead of keyboard inputs would be nice
I've just installed the latest version and while playing Level 2, there isn't a single cola crate or vending machine in all of Springfield, or any of the coin trails that were present when playing through Level 1 a few days ago. At first I thought they were removed for balance but I think it may be some kind of bug as a couple of gags are also missing, such as the tank outside the power plant and the door to the Flanders' bunker. Not sure if it's affected other levels however; I haven't gotten that far yet.

Hi Zak,

That's an intended feature. As the map is now huge, having every crate and vending machine available in every level would definitely make the coins unbalanced. In order to counter this, crates, vending machines and static coins are shared in levels 1/2/3 and 4/5/6, with 7 having its own.


Incredible mod. Genuinely the closest thing to a definitive edition of SHAR I could ever hope for.

Couple of quick music-related suggestions: since you've gone through the effort of restoring unused dialog, it might be worth fixing the vanilla bug in L1M7 that overwrites the intended mission theme and leaves the actual track unused.

On a more personal taste level, I think it could be cool to use a different track for L7M7 with drama parts for each part of the mission. Maybe Kang & Kodos strike back? You never really get to hear the full theme in the vanilla game, and I think the ending of it would be suitably epic for a finale mission.
Hello, i just wanted to say, that you acomplished what i have been dreaming since the FCM mod came out, thank you so much for this, now i will play it/Test it, but i remembered, watching a video of unused stuff in the game, could be possible for you to add the discarded chase in L3M2 (Clueless) where i believe that in wall-e-weasel's and planet hype, you where supposed to be chased by a black sedan before speaking to Milhouse on those parts, and maybe too (This is a personal request :c) add some few unused cars but drivable from the game? as the WWII Rocket Car, and the Black Ferrini as purchaseable cars?
Great Mod, this is honestly too good to be true. I wanted to suggest tweaking for 7-2 since it’s the last follow mission and it feels way too easy, it feels like you’re baby sitting the alien car more than following it. Regardless incredible mod.
Been trying the last update and unless you added new gags/unused gags in level 3 and I wasn't able to found them, it seems that there´s only 30 gags instead of 32.
Yeah, I brought that up too. It seems like the tank outside the power plant and the door to the Flanders bunker are missing for some reason.
Ah yes @AleMonazo @ZakBax I see what I've done. I included the I&S gags towards the gag count. I've uploaded a fix. (0.992b)
This is incredible! It might not be a possibility, or an insanely difficult task, but is there any chance there'll ever be a modded PS2, Xbox, or Gamecube ISO version of this mod? It would be insane to play it on CFW hardware!