Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Custom Skins Problem

Posted in Support
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I edited HOMER_M and H_UNDR_M skins and renamed them. This will be in NMGM.

There is an issue if the edited skin is a main skin like HOMER_M: It is edited in the selection screen, but not in the game: I maked it pink. It IS pink in the selection screen, but not when I select it.

Is there a way to fix it?

This is one of those issues that you'd probably need to send your files so we can actually understand what's happening, instead of us reading a vague sentence or two.
How can I send you my files?
I understand why and im happy to help. It happened to me once, you just need to insert "char_swatches_lit.bmp" in the p3d of the character and rename it "Homer_Pink.bmp" (just and example of name) and then rename the " "char_swatches_lit.bmp" (shader)" to " "Homer_Pink.bmp" and then you will see "Texture" at the shader file. it will look like:
{Texture: [char_swatches_lit.bmp v]}. Just rename char_swatches_lit.bmp into Homer_Pink.bmp and done :D!! I hope this helps.