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Metal Arms in Springfield 2.2.1

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*waits for someone to report a bug now that I've released Level 2...*
Trying something new. Previously, the mod never worked while it was compiled, but v2.02 is compiled, and so far, it can load levels. There may be a few problems with this version, but if there's enough reports, I may have to upload a link to the uncompiled mod despite it being decompilable to make it easier for newer users.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Nice mod! I remember playing the initial MAIS 1.4 mod previous year and wanting more and recently I finished the remastered version 2.06 on the default Normal setting and I can say it was an interesting experience, despite never playing Metal Arms before, so I wasn't familiar with the characters at all. The story missions were well done and didn't have any difficulty in completing them (only story missions I have failed were the first mission in first level and the first 2 missions from level 2 and even then they only took me 2 tries), so I think they were very well balanced.

The challenges on the other hand, well the ones in first level were easy but most of challenges in second level (as well as the wager race) were a bit too hard, I mean two of challenges (one about destroying the other racers that were too fast and the other one about collecting items without blowing up the barrel, as well as destroying a car without blowing up the barrel) were especially quite annoying but I figured them out in the end after about 5-10 or so tries, so I'd only advise making them a bit easier for the normal mode. The bonus mission only took me 2 tries as in first time ran out of time from collecting one more item but second time didn't have any problem with that, though the mission objective screen was glitched and only showed words Loading and Continue, no objective displayed at all. And the wager race, well it kinda pissed me off (not only for about 30 or more minutes I wasted on it but also of hundreds of coins wasted) as I failed it in first 2 times just by a few seconds, first time I got 5:36 and second time 5:31. Yes on second time I only lost by a single second, really pissed me off how close I got. Other times because I crashed too much into vehicles, I gave up and exited vehicle on purpose to fail the mission but after 5 or so tries, I finally finished the race in 4:54. Yes I made a huge difference this time and I tried to get better times the next times as I became much more familiar with the map and the best I got was 4:45 using the faster blue vehicle. On first level my best time on wager race is 2:18. But yeah the coins aren't much of a problem, I already had about 1500 by the time I entered second level, now after finishing everything, I ended up with 5300 coins.

Now for the collectibles, yes I have gotten almost everything (we will get shortly to the things I missed), only thing I don't understand is why are there still wasp cameras in first level? They aren't present in second level and they serve no purpose other than just wasting my time in trying to find them.
The percentage of both levels is also glitched as it shows -1.$% or something like that but I guess is because of some stats that don't display correctly, like the vehicle stats. In both levels you get one more vehicle than what is shown in stats (example in first level you get 3/2 vehicles, while in second level 2/1) and this is because you are meant to unlock a vehicle upon completing the bonus mission and the challenges but in first level you get 2 vehicles only (by buying and by completing bonus mission), while in second level you get just by completing bonus mission.

As for the secret chips, there are 2 I wasn't able to collect. In first level there is one found on roof of some building close to the robot who starts wager race. I was only able to get it by using No Jump Limit or Cheat Keys hacks. In second level I can't find the 4th secret chip, judging by the menu where they are displayed. Do you have any idea where this chip is found? I searched the whole map for this chip for hours and I still wasn't able to find it at all. I searched even with cheat keys and still can't find it.

Only things I didn't like are the weird collision in some places (like on climbing hills and mountains where the vehicle goes flying) and the unreachable secret chips.

Overall I enjoyed the mod. It's nice to see other characters from other games mixed into the Simpsons world. I wonder if there is going to be level 3.

EDIT: I found where is the secret chip in level 2 but I still can't get it, even with cheat keys. It's the one located close to parking lot of the mall behind some buildings and no matter how I approach it using cheat keys, I get teleported outside. Tried for an whole hour to get it, I can't seem to get it at all, no matter what.

Could you release a new update fixing the locations of these 2 chips and the bonus mission? If yes, then I hope I will still be able to use the save file and collect these chips without any cheats.
The reason I kept the wasp cameras (and buzz cola crates) in Level 1 but not Level 2 was because Level 2 wasn't initially intended to be a thing (because Road Rage Returns didn't have the Springfield Dam + Power Plant map at the time). Level 2 didn't have any purchasable items when it was first released, and it has been like that for quite some time, so adding wasps and crates would've been almost pointless. Not to mention it's really easy to grind in Level 2.

I had my reasons for placing the secret chips where they lay. You're going to have to think deeper. I'll give you a hint for both chips:
First chip - Remember how you got the chip by that big apartment in Level 1?
Second chip - You can only get it after beating a certain mission/challenge enough times. Said mission/challenge tries to hint this.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Thanks for response! I understand now about why wasps and buzz cola crates (which respawn upon resuming the game) are only available in first level.

Regarding the chips, for the first one, can you remind me exactly which apartment was that? I forgot the locations of some chips that I collected previously, so I don't know the exact location you are referring and how to reach it. I will try to find a way in meantime and see if I can figure myself.
For the second chip, I know exactly which challenge you are talking about and I definitely remember reading a hint that mentions beating it enough times to get something. I will do that soon, just want to know first which apartment you were hinting earlier and then I will try figuring myself how to reach that first chip, then I will redo the challenge to get the second chip.

In meantime I also downloaded the newest 2.07 update. Hopefully saves are still compatible.
A mod no one asked for, but everyone deserved.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
I finally figured out how to get the first chip without cheating. You have to climb on that mountain and hope it launches you on top of building, then you must carefully drive to the next building and then to that building with the chip and then you can collect it. Took me a LOT of tries to get it right on top of first building (it is located close to the place where you need to get the chip anyway) and even when I made it, on first try I missed getting to the last building with the chip as I went to left but I should have went right instead. At least it didn't take more than 5 minutes to get back and try again and was able to make it in.

For the second chip, I have beaten the challenge enough times and had a very interesting twist. I really liked how the mission changed at that point. It was pretty cool!

As I have finished everything now, as bonus I went to try the wager races with the slower red RAT vehicle to get 4x the amount of coins and I actually managed to pass the level 2 wager race in 5:09, so it looks like I managed to do better with a slower vehicle than my first time through the race with default vehicle. It helps a lot to know the map well rather than my first time through the map. Oh and I also got a better record on that race using the faster blue RAT vehicle, I got a time of 4:32 right now.

BTW I want to ask something about the levels in this mod. I see you chose the dam + power plant level from Road Rage Returns (which is the third level in that mod) for second level, as you explained to me previously but is there a reason why you didn't choose the second level from RRR as second level in this mod?
muy cool
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6 yrs ago (Statistics)
The car control for the big tank is very unresponsive, missions are way too hard since all the cars are fast like the big tank

But other then that enjoy the mod :D