We've now implemented a new way to verify your account with us on Discord. It's much simpler than copying a code and can be done without any human contact if our bot is offline!
How will this change affect already verified users?
Starting today, already verified users are now referred to as "Legacy Verified Members" and DonutBot will no longer be accepting verification tokens.Legacy Verified Members will have to re-verify using the new system to continue talking by 9 September 2017. After this date, you will no longer be able to chat in our server.
This move is to make it easier on our moderation staff and allows our community to be united across both platforms. We understand some users may not like this move, but this has been a long time coming and will help improve the quality of the community. You can leave your feedback on this topic or privately email us at support@donutteam.com
How do I verify myself now?
1. Login to your Donut Team accountMake sure you're logged in and your email is confirmed and then head over to donutteam.com/discord/
2. Click the big blue "Login with Discord" button
This is to authorise DonutBot to give you access to the Donut Team Discord server.
3. Login with Discord
You may need to login to Discord in your browser, if you don't, ignore this step and continue.
4. Click "Authorize" on the "Connect to Discord" window

5. If it was successful, you're done!
It's that easy. You can now go back to your Discord client and check out the sweet new text channels you have access to.
I'm having a problem using this new method!
We understand this may not work for everyone right away, and we want to work out the kinks as quick as possible. So please report us any and all bugs you experience with this system to support@donutteam.comWe'll be working to fix these as we approach the deadline date.
We appreciate your continued support and hope you understand our decision to unite our community.
Jake Andreøli