You don't need to provide a 1280x720 if you have a 1920x1080 version - but thank you.
These all look really great.
[Closed] Contest - Get your screenshot featured on our homepage
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Fluffy You don't need to provide a 1280x720 if you have a 1920x1080 version - but thank you.
These all look really great.
1920x1080, if it wasn't obvious.
1920x1080, if it wasn't obvious.
Colou Some more images from that same CAL game:
Some more images from that same CAL game:
[deleted user] Here are some screenshots from A Long Long Night MP TBD
This post has been removed.
Surreal Bot I got bored, so I recreated my sharmp submission. And yes, I still did this all by myself. (I didn't even know Jake announced the deadline before I got here.)
I got bored, so I recreated my sharmp submission. And yes, I still did this all by myself. (I didn't even know Jake announced the deadline before I got here.)
Sparrow Decided we wanted some action. Enjoy mine. Idea came to me when we were all modding Housewife Duties. Credit to Colou for cropping and doing the photo.
Edit: Fixe
Decided we wanted some action. Enjoy mine. Idea came to me when we were all modding Housewife Duties. Credit to Colou for cropping and doing the photo.
Edit: Fixed. Discord didn't download the proper full sized one.
Edit: Fixed. Discord didn't download the proper full sized one.
Surreal Bot Errm... did something screw up the size? Because it's not at least 1280x720.
Errm... did something screw up the size? Because it's not at least 1280x720.
Colou Here's a fixed image:
Here's a fixed image: