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Profile Badge Update

Posted in Announcements
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Today we gave badges to people who either competed in the Homepage Designer contest or was a Bug Hunter in our April 2018 test server.

Winners of Homepage Designer Contest

We will periodically ask for new images for our homepage, so you will have another chance at this badge at some point.

Bug Hunters

We will award the "Bug Hunter" badge to anyone who finds bugs in any future Test Server. We plan to have one in May.

Regarding the Badge System:
We'll be overhauling the badge system in a future update to allow you view what badges you haven't collected yet, descriptions of how to collect them and allowing mod developers for having completion badges of your mod (pending approval). We don't have much to say currently about these systems, other than the intent is there to integrate these features in an update coming soon.

Signing off,
Jake Andreøli
Co-Founder of Donut Team