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Mission 3 L1 Problem (is not crashing)

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nope , this time is NOT mission crashing
after i complete the part of destroying the power couplings , i go to talk Mr Burns (inside of Homer Office) and the Mission cant complete , since the dialogue doenst happen
here is mission 3
The issue is that because of how the game works, conversations from other Levels or Missions can't be placed into another specific mission. Thankfully, there is a way to port dialog to another mission, but it's a little bit complex.

What you need to do is extract dialog.spt from scripts.rcf. Place this extracted script into CustomFiles/sound/scripts. Then, open it up with Notepad++. Once you do that, look for this:

create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_1_convinit_Hom_L1M4
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_1_convinit_Hom_L1M4.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_2_convinit_Bur_L1M4
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_2_convinit_Bur_L1M4.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_3_convinit_Hom_L1M4
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_3_convinit_Hom_L1M4.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
And change every instance of "L1M4" here to "L1M3". Make sure the capitalization is EXACTLY the same.

It should now look like this:

create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_1_convinit_Hom_L1M3
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_1_convinit_Hom_L1M3.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_2_convinit_Bur_L1M3
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_2_convinit_Bur_L1M3.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
create daSoundResourceData named C_sleep_3_convinit_Hom_L1M3
    AddFilename ( "conversations/C_sleep_3_convinit_Hom_L1M3.rsd" 1.000000 )
    SetStreaming ( true )
Once you've done that, you need to point the game's existing RSDs to this. Go ahead and open up CustomFiles.ini (or create it if it doesn't exist). Then, in it, put this somewhere in the .ini file:

Once you've done that, go test the dialog stage, and it should work flawlessly now! You use this process in a similar fashion to port other dialog from one mission into another.

EDIT: Assuming you're editing the Spanish version of the game, you'd want to do the exact same thing, but instead use dialogsp.spt instead of dialog.spt. The Spanish version should be using that instead according to Lucas' memory, but if you want to be safe/still get the "staring contest" issue, try editing both dialog.spt and dialogsp.spt.
Thanks, it worked
My apologies, I forgot to mention that the other 2 RSDs also need to be re-directed. You've probably already done this, but just in case, make sure these are also in the .ini file:

The whole conversation is now properly redirected and it should work completely now. I think if only the first one is redirected, the conversation ends after Homer's first line.

Glad that helped answer your question though!