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will there be new opportunities in SHaR MP?

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Can you elaborate on "NEW OPPERTUNITIES"?
Maybe he's talking about like if theirs gonna be anything new for SHAR MP

like are they still updating the game?
I'm not sure. Although I've heard that Donut Team is mainly concentrated on Donut Mod 4 and the map builder.
We're not actively developing SHARMP, however we'd love to add more to it sometime.

Our current priorities:
  • Donut Mod 4
  • Lucas' Simpsons: Hit & Run Model Builder (also known as The Map Builder)
  • The Donut Team Website

If SHARMP is important enough to the community, we may reevaluate our plans for it in the future.

Donut Team
To be honest, the only thing I would want updated for SHARMP right now is the Multiplayer Cars & Characters mod which adds extra cars and characters for multiplayer, the reason is that it hasn't been updated since September 2017 and since then there were at least several new skins released by Donut Team that could be included, such as the 4000 Members celebration skin for Homer and the RayBart skin for Bart. And I think some other high quality characters and cars created by the community (that were seen in certain mods) could also be included to replace some crappy joke cars (such as both variants of Jake's Example Car, the motivational van, etc) and the two weird skins that come right after each other (between the Donut Team members and Homer ghost).

But if it's not a priority right now, then I don't mind since I would rather prefer if Donut Team focuses on finishing Donut Mod 4.
I've never played The Simpsons: Hit & Run Multiplayer, although I'd love to when I get my copy of the game, since from what I've seen it looks great. As for suggestions, perhaps add more specific-to-multiplayer vehicles?
well I always likes to play but it always is dead there people barely on the sever all the time

if you do want the game you can buy it on Amazon
Piracy discussion is prohibited in the Community Guidelines. Seeing as that YouTube video you linked is a tutorial on how to pirate the game, said link has been removed.
You're talking about TheTitaniumFox, right? Because I don't remember leaving a Youtube link.