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Abe Simpsons Out-Of-Bounds

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I was playing Alien "Auto" Topsy Part III and wanted to test if I could avoid the race section by going out-of-bounds and heading towards the power plant. When I got over to the cut area (which I have to drive through to line it up correctly.), I found Abe Simpsons just standing to the right of one of the "Springfeild Gasoline" signs.
Because the designers needed to put him somewhere out of the way so the player wouldn't see two Grampas on account of him also driving the vehicle in the mission, the mission script puts him at "m7_grampa_hide" right at the start.
Thanks. Very interesting. I'd assume that this technique is used in other missions?

Of note is that his position is on the cut area of the level, proving that the mission was programmed after the area was cut.