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Which Missions Did You Find The Hardest?

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Question me about it on said thread. Here's the link:
The one I remember struggling with is Alien "Auto"topsy Part III (L7M7), which is also one of my favorites now that I've gotten older!

There's a lot that gives this mission a pretty significant difficulty spike. You're introduced to a (rather hard to control) Rocket Jeep that you've never had the chance to control before prior to this point. It's cool looking, t's fast as heck, and it becomes pretty easy to slam into a wall if you're not careful. These issues aren't too bad at first the Black Ferrini race to the Power Plant I feel, as the Ferrini has a rather weak con file and ignores a majority of the shortcuts the player is well accustomed to at this point.

However, getting the Barrel back is where the trouble begins to really brew. The player has to get back to the Playground with a short time limit that the player can't actually complete. The timer instead is based around reaching the fakeout trigger to get to the Blue House, which is already pretty tight to begin with. Combined with this misleading timer, the speed and looser handling increases the chances that a player might run into a wall at a high enough speed to lose the Waste Barrel. Once the player hits the fakeout trigger near the Blue House, the Black Ferrini blocking the shortcut might throw a player off and cause them to lose the barrel, since they're accustomed to Story Missions not blocking shortcuts in a fashion similar to this. Even after the player loses the Ferrini, they have to get back to the School, which is extremely difficult and doesn't give the player much time to cool down following the intense chase they had.

In short, the mission plays with the player's expectations in a lot of interesting ways that I don't think many Story Missions do otherwise. In addition to that, the car that the player is equipped with can easily throw off those who are less experienced. I still rather like the mission regardless, since a lot of the ways it plays with the player's expectations I find pretty interesting. It also has a wonderful mix of objectives that makes the Alien Ferrini feel like a constant and consistent threat with the player's new tricked out ride. The previous missions in Level 7 don't use the Alien Ferrini as extensively as this, which is a bit of a shame.

Outside of that, I recall struggling with Clueless (L3M2) back when I was younger, despite it's simplicity. The final drive to the Springfield Sign can be difficult if the player isn't aware of the C. Spanker or Planet Hype alley shortcuts, and the second half of the Seaside map has some really tricky turns and populated roads that make it likely the player will rack up the Hit & Run meter or bump against a wall once or twice. I have no issues with it now, but I think I recall failing it enough to get the 'SKIP' option.
In Alien "Auto" Topsy Part III, I think that the whole "short timer to get to the school when you are really meant to go to the blue house" is meant to be a trap. If you were experienced with the map then you might give up and restart when you get to the cemetery and there's only 15 seconds left.