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Road Rage Characters Mod

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I have seen words of it Here, Here, and Here. If someone could link me the forum of a mirror download link if it exists please.
If you want the road rage characters, download the road rage returns mod from donut team Here and Decompile it in Lucas' Mod Launcher. If you then go into CustomFiles\art\chars you have acces to the road rage charcters.Or if you just want to play as them download the road rage returns mod and play it with lucas mod launcher
ive tried putting krabap_m in my mod named gil_m but the game crashes when i select gil using the characters cheat (Down,Dow,Down,Left) the game crashes. Any help
Have you renamed the character inside the p3d file? Or just the file name?
how do i do that?
In the p3d file. Click on the top bar on tools and click rename character